
Sermon Series in 2022
Term 1 - The Saving Word (Acts 1-7) What is God’s plan? What is Jesus doing now? The story of Jesus doesn’t finish with his death or even his resurrection. As we open the book of Acts, we see how the ascended Christ continues to save people, pouring out his Spirit, as the word (or message) of his salvation is announced. Listen online here Term 2 - Proverbs and Minor Prophets In term 2 we plan to study Nahum, Habakkuk and explore God’s Wisdom in Proverbs. Read more

Christmas 2021 | Waiting for Christmas |
Christmas is a time of anticipation. For many of us, we can’t wait for Christmas morning: the joy presents and family brings. For others, we’re waiting with a bit more trepidation: for the disappoints and griefs around the day. At the time of Jesus’ birth, many people were waiting–waiting for God to make good on his promises. We’d love you to join us as we celebrate that the waiting of Christmas is over. Read more

1 Peter Bible Studies | Hope Away From Home |
In Term 3 2021 we’re studying the letter of 1 Peter in our Bible Studies and sermons at church . If you want to be part of a Bible study group, get in touch . You can download the study booklets here (PDF) . Copyright These Bible studies are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Micah Bible Studies | What Does God Require |
In Term 2 2021 we’re studying the Old Testament prophet Micah in our Bible Studies and sermons at church . If you want to be part of a Bible study group, get in touch . You can download the study booklets here (PDF) . Copyright These Bible studies, apart from pages 2-4, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Pages 2-4 copyright Visual Unit .

Easter Services 2021
“After he has suffered, he will see the light of life” Isaiah 53:11 (NIV) 800 years before the time of Jesus, a prophet spoke of someone who would suffer ‘for us’ and yet after he was crushed this one would again see ’the light of life’. We’d love you to join us this Easter as we explore Jesus’ death and resurrection and how it offers forgiveness and life for us. Read more

Christianity Explored - Term 1 2021 | What’s the best news you’ve ever heard? |
We’re excited to be running the Christianity Explored course in all our Bible Study Groups starting the first week of February 2021. Christianity Explored is a seven-week course which introduces us to the best news you’ve ever heard. You don’t need to have any prior Bible knowledge or religious experience. You can find out more and sign up on our Christianity Explored page

Sermon Series in 2021
Term 1 - Jesus: Who Do You Say He Is? (Mark 1-8) People have many ideas about Jesus. Some say he is a creation of fiction, others that he’s a spiritual guide or teacher, but the Bible claims he is God’s promised king (Messiah) and even God himself (the Son of God). In this series we’re going to the beginning of the gospel, to discover who Jesus really is. Listen here Term 2 - Micah: What Does the LORD require? Read more

Christmas 2020 | Darkness Ends |
Many have found 2020 to be a year of darkness, with fires, floods, lockdowns, and unemployment. So for many people, Christmas couldn’t come sooner—the darkness might finally end. In the Biblical account of the birth of Jesus, we read of a world cloaked in darkness, but with the coming of Jesus, the sun rises and light comes. This Christmas, we invite you to hear the good news that darkness has finally ended in Jesus. Read more

Stage 3 - Resuming gatherings | Church as restrictions are lifted |
As of July 19, 2020, Gympie Presbyterian Church is regathering at One Mile State School. (This page has been updated to reflect eased restrictions, commencing June 25 2021.) We will operate according to the COVID Safe Checklist (which supercedes the previous COVID Safe Plan for ‘places of worship’ ). This checklist enables us to meet together in Bible study groups and as church on Sundays. This post gives a brief explanation of the procedures we have in place as we gather on Sundays at One Mile State School . Read more

Christianity Explored - July 2020 | What’s the best news you’ve ever heard? |
We’re excited to be running the Christianity Explored course online starting Tuesday July 14 2020 at 7:30 pm. After the success of running Life Explored via Zoom, we’re going to be running this course online too. Christianity Explored is a seven-week course which introduces us to the best news you’ve ever heard. You don’t need to have any prior Bible knowledge or religious experience. You can find out more and sign up on our Christianity Explored page