
What I’m Reading and Listening To
On Easter Saturday the Gympie Times featured some local ministers in their What I’m Reading and Listening To section. They were kind enough to interview our minister and you can read his contribution by clicking on the image below. The book he references The Final Days of Jesus can be bought from good bookstores or on Kindle .

Easter Services 2016
Good Friday and Easter Sunday are at the focus of what Jesus came to do, and the centre of Christianity. One of the earliest summaries of the Christian message is “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared" (1 Corinthians 15:3–5) Join us this Easter to listen and reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus as recorded in Luke’s gospel. Read more

Bible Study Book—Term 1 2016
Who is Jesus? What was His mission? Why does it matter to us? In our bible studies this term, we’ll be answering these questions as we read Luke 9-19 together. Want to find out more? You can contact us to join a bible study group, or download a copy of the study booklet for yourself.

Commissioning a New Minister
On January 30 2016 the Presbytery of Wide-Bay/Sunshine Coast commissioned Rev. Daniel Saunders to minister with Gympie Presbyterian Church. Our church was encouraged to have a number of members of Presbytery and members of Kenmore Presbyterian Church (where Daniel had previously ministered) joining with us to pray, encourage, and support our church and new minister. Rev. Saunders being interviewed by Rev. Wal Brown (Bundaberg Presbyterian Church) Read more