Daniel Saunders

The Shepherd from Bethlehem | Micah 4:9-5:15 |
Where do you see God at work? Our instinct is often to look for ‘big’ things or ‘good’ things. But as God spoke to his people through Micah, he teaches them that he’s at work through good and difficult times, in unexpected places, and as he grows them in holiness. Outline Present pain (4:9-5:1) Coming shepherd (5:2-8) The end of evil (5:9-15) Seeing God at work

The Mountain of Peace | Micah 4:1-8 |
In a world full of corruption, violence, and revenge where can we get peace? In this message from the prophet Micah, we hear God’s wonderful vision and promise for peace which is fulfilled in Jesus! Outline Walking in God’s Word (vv1-2) Dwelling in Peace (vv3-5) Restoring the Lame (vv6-8) Jerusalem, City of our God

Oppressive Leaders | Micah 3 |
Too often we hear stories of corrupt, abusive, and oppressive leaders. People who use power in evil and destructive ways. Does God care? In this message from Micah 3 we hear what God will do about oppressive leaders—and the good news of a different kind of leader. Outline Devouring justice (vv1-4) Disgrace prophets (vv5-8) Justice from God (vv9-12) Serving under-shepherd (1 Peter 5:1-4)

Unhearing Oppressors | Micah 2 |
What will God do about those who rip off and oppress those who are poor and powerless? In this message from Micah 2, we hear God will bring poetic justice to those who refuse to listen and continue to steal from powerless people. But even in this, there is hope for forgiveness and freedom. Outline Daylight robbery (vv1-2) Poetic justice (vv3-5) Refusing to hear (vv6-7) Daylight robbery (again!) (vv8-9) Prophets for profit (vv10-11) Following the King to freedom (vv12-13)

Unbearable Justice | Micah 1 |
How does God’s justice make you feel? In this message, we hear God’s strong justice and the surprising way God feels about it. Outline Micah of Moresheth (v1) God comes down (vv2-4) … against Samaria (vv5-7) …and Jerusalem (vv9-16) Justice through tears (v8)

Where does war come from? | James 4:1-10 |
This Anzac Day we considered where war comes from and what is God’s answer for peace. Outline War among ‘you’ (vv1-3) War with God! (vv4-6) God’s way for peace (vv7-10)

Why Did Jesus Rise? | Isaiah 52:13-14; 53:10-12 |
Why did Jesus rise to life again? What does it reveal about him, and what difference does it make? Outline From suffering to glory For his offspring For justification For victory

Crushed For Us | Isaiah 53:1-9 |
Sometimes we need to own up to an uncomfortable truth. But it’s worth it because on the cross, Jesus took the punishment for sin, that you might receive peace with God. Outline Our Need His substitution

Do You Still Not Understand? | Luke 8:1-21 |
Even after seeing the amazing things Jesus did, his disciples still did not understand. But Jesus was patient with them, teaching and showing them who he is. Outline Feeding (other) sheep (vv1-10) They won’t see the signs (vv11-13) Do you still not understand? (vv14-21)?

Worse than you thought! | Mark 7:1-23 |
What if the problem is worse than you thought? In this message, we hear Jesus tell us the news that our situation before God is worse than we thought. But the good news is Jesus’ came to bring a solution that’s better than we could ever imagine. Outline Breaking their rules (vv1-5) You hypocrites! (vv6-13) The problem is worse than you think (vv14-23) Jesus’ solution is better than we could imagine (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)