Daniel Saunders
The Exiled King
| 2 Samuel 14-16 |
We long for a true home because we are in exile from God. In Jesus, the king who weeps on the Mount of Olives, and enters into exile to bring us home, we find the answer to this longing and the fulfilment of God’s promises. Outline Absalom’s exile and return (2 Samuel 14) Absalom’s coup (2 Samuel 15:1-13) David’s exile (2 Samuel 15:14-16:23) Jesus’ exile for us (John 18:1; Luke 22:39-42) Life as exiles (1 Peter 2:11-12)
We long for a true home because we are in exile from God. In Jesus, the king who weeps on the Mount of Olives, and enters into exile to bring us home, we find the answer to this longing and the fulfilment of God’s promises. Outline Absalom’s exile and return (2 Samuel 14) Absalom’s coup (2 Samuel 15:1-13) David’s exile (2 Samuel 15:14-16:23) Jesus’ exile for us (John 18:1; Luke 22:39-42) Life as exiles (1 Peter 2:11-12)
The Pattern of the King
| 2 Samuel 13 |
In David’s sons we see the dreadful spiral and spread of evil as they repeat the sin of their father. It’s another series of gut-wrenching events, which shows our need for the true Son of God who will spread blessing and not curse. Just before the sermon we watched this video Read more
In David’s sons we see the dreadful spiral and spread of evil as they repeat the sin of their father. It’s another series of gut-wrenching events, which shows our need for the true Son of God who will spread blessing and not curse. Just before the sermon we watched this video Read more
The Shepherd King
| 2 Samuel 12 |
Just like Saul before him, David has fallen as the shepherd-king and done evil in the eyes of the LORD. His house will now experience curse rather than blessing—the people have fallen with their king. Outline Secret Sin … Revealed (vv1-12) Grace … and consequences (vv13-25) Has David changed? (vv26-31) Finding grace in the Good Shepherd
Just like Saul before him, David has fallen as the shepherd-king and done evil in the eyes of the LORD. His house will now experience curse rather than blessing—the people have fallen with their king. Outline Secret Sin … Revealed (vv1-12) Grace … and consequences (vv13-25) Has David changed? (vv26-31) Finding grace in the Good Shepherd
The Sinning King
| 2 Samuel 11 |
We know deep down there’s a problem with us that needs fixing. Our attempts to deal with sin without Jesus will only escalate this, bringing anxiety and chaos rather than peace and rest. In this sermon we’re looking at a dark chapter in the life of Israel’s great king…it’s revealing of our own hearts, and also of refreshing cleansing Jesus brings. Outline The seeds of sin (11:1) David falls (11:2-6) The cover-up (11:7-20) Jesus can wash you clean
We know deep down there’s a problem with us that needs fixing. Our attempts to deal with sin without Jesus will only escalate this, bringing anxiety and chaos rather than peace and rest. In this sermon we’re looking at a dark chapter in the life of Israel’s great king…it’s revealing of our own hearts, and also of refreshing cleansing Jesus brings. Outline The seeds of sin (11:1) David falls (11:2-6) The cover-up (11:7-20) Jesus can wash you clean
A Forever King
| 2 Samuel 7 |
Do you want to build something which lasts? David desires to build a house for God and secure his peace and blessing, but God reminds him that he is the one who builds things that last. God promises David’s son will build his house and God himself will make a kingdom that will last forever. Outline David has plans (vv1-2) But so does God (v4) … because God hasn’t asked (vv5-7, 1 Kings 5:3) … because God will build (vv8-17) David’s humble praise (vv18-29) Where is this forever king? What are you building?
Do you want to build something which lasts? David desires to build a house for God and secure his peace and blessing, but God reminds him that he is the one who builds things that last. God promises David’s son will build his house and God himself will make a kingdom that will last forever. Outline David has plans (vv1-2) But so does God (v4) … because God hasn’t asked (vv5-7, 1 Kings 5:3) … because God will build (vv8-17) David’s humble praise (vv18-29) Where is this forever king? What are you building?
A Dancing King
| 1 Samuel 5-6 |
In the rest King David brings to God’s people we see glimpses of a priest-king like Adam in Eden or Melchizedek in (Jeru)Salem. David rejoices in God’s presence as we see the fulfilment of God’s promises to Abraham. Outline The danger of God in a box (6:1-11) Dancing in God’s presence (6:12-20) Despising the delight of God (6:21-23) Jesus, the dancing priest-king Dancing before God
In the rest King David brings to God’s people we see glimpses of a priest-king like Adam in Eden or Melchizedek in (Jeru)Salem. David rejoices in God’s presence as we see the fulfilment of God’s promises to Abraham. Outline The danger of God in a box (6:1-11) Dancing in God’s presence (6:12-20) Despising the delight of God (6:21-23) Jesus, the dancing priest-king Dancing before God
A Rising King
| 2 Samuel 1-4 |
Proud King Saul is dead and David has been anointed as king. Is he the king we’ve been waiting for? Outline Dying by the sword (2 Samuel 2:1) The backstory Saul Falls, David Rises 2 Samuel 1:1-2 2 Samuel 1:15-16 2 Samuel 2:1 2 Samuel 1:19 2 Samuel 9:7, 11 Kingdom Habits
Proud King Saul is dead and David has been anointed as king. Is he the king we’ve been waiting for? Outline Dying by the sword (2 Samuel 2:1) The backstory Saul Falls, David Rises 2 Samuel 1:1-2 2 Samuel 1:15-16 2 Samuel 2:1 2 Samuel 1:19 2 Samuel 9:7, 11 Kingdom Habits
Where Do I Find the Good Life?
| Luke 24:1-12 |
What are you searching for? Looking for the living? Finding the good life in the perfect man
What are you searching for? Looking for the living? Finding the good life in the perfect man
What’s Good About Good Friday?
| Luke 23:32-43 |
Big questions What’s not good about Good Friday? What’s good about Good Friday? Forgiveness Paradise What are you searching for?
Big questions What’s not good about Good Friday? What’s good about Good Friday? Forgiveness Paradise What are you searching for?
The Living Cross
| 1 Corinthians 15 |
Good news (15:1-11) So … the dead will be raised (15:12-23) Jesus is the living king (15:24-28) it’s worth living for Jesus (15:29-34) But how are the dead raised? (15:35-54) Praise God and live for Jesus (15:55-58)
Good news (15:1-11) So … the dead will be raised (15:12-23) Jesus is the living king (15:24-28) it’s worth living for Jesus (15:29-34) But how are the dead raised? (15:35-54) Praise God and live for Jesus (15:55-58)