Daniel Saunders
The Foolish Cross
| 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 |
In the lead-up to Easter, we’re reflecting on the foolish cross and the empty tomb from 1 Corinthians 1 and 15. Talk Outline The cross is foolish and weak? (1:18-25) The church is foolish and weak? (1:26-31) So stick with the foolish and weak message (2:1-5) Knowing Christ Crucified
In the lead-up to Easter, we’re reflecting on the foolish cross and the empty tomb from 1 Corinthians 1 and 15. Talk Outline The cross is foolish and weak? (1:18-25) The church is foolish and weak? (1:26-31) So stick with the foolish and weak message (2:1-5) Knowing Christ Crucified
Carry Your Cross
| Luke 14 |
Who needs healing? (vv1-6) Generous humility (vv7-11) Generous invitation (vv12-24) Count the cost (vv25-35)
Who needs healing? (vv1-6) Generous humility (vv7-11) Generous invitation (vv12-24) Count the cost (vv25-35)
Enter Through the Narrow Door
| Luke 13 |
Foxes in the coop (vv33-35, 1-5) Judgement is coming (vv6-9) …because of the predators (vv10-17) The kingdom of judgement and safety (vv18-35) So repent, or you too will perish!
Foxes in the coop (vv33-35, 1-5) Judgement is coming (vv6-9) …because of the predators (vv10-17) The kingdom of judgement and safety (vv18-35) So repent, or you too will perish!
Be Ready
| Luke 12:35-59 |
God’s clock is ticking Malachi 3:1; Luke 7:27; Luke 9:51 Are you ready? (vv35-40) …especially the leaders (vv41-48) …because Jesus brings judgment and division (vv49-53) So understand the times and be wise (vv54-59) Are you ready? Acts 1:5-8
God’s clock is ticking Malachi 3:1; Luke 7:27; Luke 9:51 Are you ready? (vv35-40) …especially the leaders (vv41-48) …because Jesus brings judgment and division (vv49-53) So understand the times and be wise (vv54-59) Are you ready? Acts 1:5-8
Where Your Treasure Is
| Luke 12:13-34 |
There’s more to life (vv13-21) … so don’t worry (vv22-29) … and seek eternal treasure (vv30-34) The article referenced during the sermon is Don’t be anxious about anything! Is that all God’s got to say? by Paul Grimmond
There’s more to life (vv13-21) … so don’t worry (vv22-29) … and seek eternal treasure (vv30-34) The article referenced during the sermon is Don’t be anxious about anything! Is that all God’s got to say? by Paul Grimmond
Against Hypocrisy
| Luke 11:37-12:12 |
Dirty on the inside (11:37-54) and it’s everyone’s problem (12:1-12) Good news for hypocrites! (Unfortunately there is some distortion in this recording.)
Dirty on the inside (11:37-54) and it’s everyone’s problem (12:1-12) Good news for hypocrites! (Unfortunately there is some distortion in this recording.)
The Kingdom Has Come
| Luke 11:14-36 |
Israel’s Unhealthy Eyes (vv14-26) Those with eyes to see (vv27-36) What fills your eyes?
Israel’s Unhealthy Eyes (vv14-26) Those with eyes to see (vv27-36) What fills your eyes?
When You Pray
| Luke 11:1-13 |
Teach us to pray (v1) … for the greatest gift (vv2-4) …which honours God’s name (vv5-8) …as he gives good gifts (vv9-13) Jesus is the answer to his own prayer Luke 3:22; Acts 2:38 So it can be answered in us! (Unfortunately there was some distortion in the recording of this sermon.)
Teach us to pray (v1) … for the greatest gift (vv2-4) …which honours God’s name (vv5-8) …as he gives good gifts (vv9-13) Jesus is the answer to his own prayer Luke 3:22; Acts 2:38 So it can be answered in us! (Unfortunately there was some distortion in the recording of this sermon.)
Love Your Neighbour
| Luke 10:25-42 |
Why is my neighbour? (10:25-37) Who is my disciple? (10:38-42)
Why is my neighbour? (10:25-37) Who is my disciple? (10:38-42)
Fit for the Kingdom
| Luke 9:51-10:24 |
Jesus’ Radical Direction (9:51-56) Jesus’ Radical Requirements (9:57-62) Jesus’ Radical Priorities (10:1-16) Jesus’ Radical Joy (10:17-24)
Jesus’ Radical Direction (9:51-56) Jesus’ Radical Requirements (9:57-62) Jesus’ Radical Priorities (10:1-16) Jesus’ Radical Joy (10:17-24)