
Life Resurrected | John 11 |
The death of a friend (11:1-16) reveals God’s glory bcause Jesus is the resurrection and the life (11:17-37) Jesus raises the dead (11:38-44) Will Jesus be at your funeral?

The Life-Giving Shepherd | John 10:1-21, 25-30 |
A story about sheep (vv1-6) Jesus is the … Gate (vv7-10) Good shepherd (vv11-13) …who knows his sheep (vv14-21) …and won’t let them go (vv25-30) Have you heard his voice?

Blind Judging the Blind | John 9 |
Judging a blind man (9:1-5) …who is given sight (9:6-13) …reveals true blindness (9:14-41) Tradition and Religion Fear of people Pride Has judgment made you blind?

Feast on Christ | John 6 |
We want food! (6:25-27) Jesus is the bread of life (6:28-40) Two objections (6:41-66) The words of eternal life (6:67-71) Will you feast on Christ?

Living Water | John 4:4-42 |
Jesus offers a Samaritan woman … (4:1-9) living water… (4:10-14) to quench her thirst … (4:15-18) so she can truly worship God. (4:19-26) Will you receive living water from Jesus?

New Life | John 2:23-3:36 |
Judging Jesus (2:23-3:2) Religion can’t give new life (3:3-15, 31-34) Only Jesus can give new life (3:16-21, 36) Do you have new life?

The Source of Life | John 1:1-18 |
The source of everything (vv 1-5) who is rejected and received (vv 6-13) when he comes to us (vv 14-18) Jesus, the source of your life

Vision Sunday | 1 Peter 2:4-12 |
Know God (vv4-8) Love One Another (vv5, 9-10) Reach our Region (vv9, 11-12)

Partners in God’s Mission | Romans 15:14-16:27 |
(Note, during this sermon some of our gospel partners were mentioned by name. Their names have been removed from this recording in the interests of security and privacy.) God’s Mission (15:14-22; 16:25-27) which we are partners in by giving (15:23-29) by praying (15:30-33) by working (16:1-23) What’s your part in God’s mission?

Loving Diversity | Romans 14:1-15:13 |
Accept the weak (14:1-3a) Because … …you’re not their Lord (14:3b-12) …of the ’law of love’ (14:13-23) …it’s Jesus-like (15:1-13) Loving diversity in our church