
Greed | 1 Timothy 6:6-19 |
A Root of all kinds of evil… What is greed? (1 Timothy 6:9; 3:3) Our money problem (1 Timothy 6:9-10, 17) Luke 12:13-15 Luke 16:13 Colossians 3:5 How to be really rich (Revelation 3:17-18; 1 Timothy 6:11) Flee Greed Pursue God

Contentment | 1 Timothy 6:6-10 |
Why is contentment so hard? Genesis 3:4-6 Contentment and God Matthew 7:7-11 How to Learn Contentment Philippians 4:10-13 1 Timothy 6:6-10

Money Matters: Gift | 1 Timothy 6:17-19 |
What is money? The Bible’s Big Story Creation (Genesis 2:10-16) Fall (Genesis 3:17-19) Promise (Genesis 12:1-3; Exodus 3:16-17) Fulfilment (?) (1 Kings 4:20-28) Exile (Jeremiah 31:10-14) Fulfilment (Luke 4:18-19; 6:20, 24; Hebrews 11:8-10, 16) God’s gift and us (1 Timothy 6:17-19)

Living In God’s Mercy | Romans 12:1-8 |
Living in God’s Mercy… (12:1) …changes us (12:2) …to live for others (12:3-8) How does God’s mercy change you?

Which Side Are You On? | Romans 5:12-21 |
Through one man’s sin… (5:12-14) Through one man’s righteousness… (5:15-21) Which side are you on?

Does God Love You? | Romans 5:1-11 |
You can know God’s love because of certain hope (5:1-5) because of what He did and when He did it (5:6-8) Living in God’s love Confidence (5:9-11) Loving like God (12:14-21)

Always by Faith Alone | Romans 4 |
Justification has always been by faith (4:1-15) …but what is faith? And it’s the same for us! (4:23-25) Always and only by faith

The Guilty Justified | Romans 3:21-31 |
The Verdict: Righteous (3:21-23) But how? (3:24-26) Justified Redeemed Propitiated …and God is still just So it’s got nothing to do with us (3:27-31) Trust in Christ!

Guilty as Charged | Romans 3:1-20 |
Two objections: Can God be trusted? (3:1-4) Is God fair? (3:5-8) Our Big Problem (3:9-18) So what’s the law good for? (3:19-20) The verdict is in…

Not The Usual Suspects | Romans 2 |
The Charge: Hypocrisy (2:1-4) The Sentence: Judged (2:5-16) But! We’ve got the Law (2:17-24) We’re the circumcised (2:25-29) God’s word to non-usual suspects