
How Do You Plead? | Romans 1:18-32 |
Our biggest problem (1:18) Ignorance is no defence (1:19-21) Our ‘rap sheet’ (1:22-32) It’s a dark picture, but there’s hope (1:16-17, 3:25-26) How do you plead?

God’s Power: The Gospel | Romans 1:1-17 |
A letter From Paul, a slave of the gospel (vv1, 5, 11-15) To believers in Rome (vv6-8) About the gospel of Jesus (vv2-4) of salvation (vv16-17) Do you trust in God’s gospel power?

Greatness in Christ’s Kingdom | Luke 9:28-50 |
Greatness above (9:28-36) Greatness below (9:37-43) Greatness handed over (9:44-45) Greatness of the least (9:46-50) Greatness of the King Greatness in His Kingdom

Is Jesus Worth the Cost? | Luke 9:1-27 |
The Cost of Following Jesus (9:23) Following Jesus’ Mission (9:1-6) Why it’s worth the cost: Jesus is God’s Christ (9:7-9, 18-20) … who provides for His people (9:10-17) … who will suffer for His people (9:21-27) Is following Jesus worth the cost?

Fear or Faith? | Luke 8:22-56 |
Jesus’ power over the destructive powers of… Nature (vv22-25) Demons (vv26-38) Sickness (vv40-48) Death (vv49-56) This is power to be feared! But is fear the only response?

Are You Listening? | Luke 8:1-21 |
Women who listened (vv1-3) Soil that listens (vv4-15) Watch how you listen (vv16-18) A family who listens (vv19-21) Are you listening to Jesus?

Can You Hope in Jesus? | Luke 24:13-32 |
A Sorrowful Meeting (vv13-18) … because hope has been lost (vv19-24) The Story Explained (vv25-29) Hope is Raised to Life (vv30-32) Can you hope in Jesus?

Forgiving the Unforgivable | Luke 23:32-43 |
Good Friday Sermon, 2016 The unforgiving mockers (vv34-38) The unforgivable men (vv32-33; 39-43) Finding forgiveness

Is Jesus ‘The One’? | Luke 7:18-50 |
The Complaint: not playing by our rules (vv31-35) John’s Doubt (vv18-23) The Crowd’s Doubt (vv24-30) The Pharisee’s Rejection? (vv36-50) Is Jesus ‘The One’?

In The Presence of Greatness | Luke 7:1-17 |
How to respond to greatness Humble Faith (vv1-10) …in Jesus’ authority Awe at Jesus’ Power (vv11-17) How do you respond to Jesus’ greatness?