
How Firm Are Your Foundations? | Luke 6:17-49 |
How firm are your foundations? (vv17-20, 46-49) Following Jesus changes… Who we think is blessed (vv20-26) How we love others (vv27-36) How we view others (vv37-42) People will see (vv43-45) How firm are your foundations?

Three Reasons to NOT Follow Jesus | Luke 5:33-6:11 |
He doesn’t fast (5:33-35) He doesn’t keep the Sabbath … by ‘working’ (6:1-5) …by healing (6:6-11) The heart of the issue (5:36-39) Some things never change!

Do You Need Jesus? | Luke 5:1-32 |
Sinners (vv1-11) The Unclean (vv12-16) The Desperate (vv17-26) The Sin-sick (vv27-32) Do you need Jesus?

Man on a Mission | Luke 4:14-44 |
Announcing the Kingdom (vv14-30) …of freedom (vv18-19) …which is rejected (vv22-30) Demonstrating the Kingdom (vv31-44) Jesus’ Mission and Ours

Jesus: The Son of God | Luke 3:21-4:13 |
The Beloved Son The Faithful Son … for Us

How Do You Get Ready For A Visit … From God? | Luke 3:1-13 |
John’s Message: Repent! (vv7-14) The saviour and judge is coming (vv15-18) God has come…are you ready?

Know for Certain | Luke 1:1-4 |
The historical truth of Jesus The world-changing truth of Jesus For God-Lovers…to Know for Certain