Biblical Theology

The Best King | Psalm 72 |
What would it take to be the best king or leader? Psalm 72 is a prayer for kings, which in Jesus becomes a song of praise, because he’s the best king. Outline Reading Psalms How Israel ‘sings’ this Psalm How Jesus ‘sings’ this Psalm How we ‘sing’ this Psalm in Christ

The King’s House | 1 Kings 5-9 |
Where is God? Where does he live? As God’s temple is built in Jerusalem, we see God dwelling among his people. But even this is only a shadow of the true temple, Christ, and how God dwells now with his gathered people by the Spirit. Outline God’s Place Building God’s House (1 Kings 5-7) God’s Presence (1 Kings 8-9) Building God’s Spiritual (and Permanent) House (John 2:19-21, Ephesians 2:19-22)

A Wise King | 1 Kings 3-4 |
As Solomon’s kingdom is established we see God’s promised blessings fulfilled—though cracks show, and so we look to the greater wise king, Jesus. Outline The story so far God’s promises fulfilled through a wise king though, cracks are beginning to show Becoming wise through our wise king

Fulfilled | Matthew 5:17-20 |
Do Christians just ‘pick and choose’ the rules in the Bible they want to follow? In this message, we hear Jesus talk about how his coming fulfils the Law and the Prophets—and how this shapes how we read the whole Bible. Outline The things not said. (v17) Not abolish but fulfil (vv17-18) Greater Righteousness (vv19-20) The law, the prophets, and us

Promised King | Matthew 1:1-17 |
Is there a place for you in Jesus’ family? Matthew’s biography of Jesus begins with a summary of the back story. It shows Jesus is the ‘yes’ to God’s great promises to David and Abraham. He is God’s king for the whole world…and for us. Outline God keeps his promises (v1) Will God really keep promises? (vv2-16) Is there a place for me? (vv3, 5, 6) Promises kept in King Jesus (v17)

Unbelieveably Good News | Acts 13 |
What makes Jesus unbelievably good news? In this message we see how the death, resurrection, and reign of Jesus is the answer to God’s promises and the only way we can receive forgiveness and freedom. Outline Promised Saviour (vv16-25) Risen Saviour (vv26-37) Receiving Salvation (vv38-41) Unbelievable Salvation (vv42-52)

Against God? | Acts 6:8-7:60 |
What do we do with the Old Testament? In this, our final message in this series, we hear Stephen’s final words as he defends the accusation that followers of Jesus are against ’this Holy Place’ and against ‘God’s law’. And doing so we see how Jesus is present and promised in the whole Bible. Outline Falsely accused (6:8-15) This Holy Place, the Law, and Jesus Abraham (7:1-8) Joseph (7:9-16) Moses (7:17-43) David/Solomon (7:44-50) Jesus (7:51-60) This sermon was prerecorded. Read more

A Living Home | 1 Peter 2:4-10 |
Who are you? For followers of Jesus, God gives a purpose and a new identity as ’living stones’ in his new temple. Outline Building God’s place (vv4-8) Being God’s people (vv9-10) Living into identity

A Forever King | 2 Samuel 7 |
Do you want to build something which lasts? David desires to build a house for God and secure his peace and blessing, but God reminds him that he is the one who builds things that last. God promises David’s son will build his house and God himself will make a kingdom that will last forever. Outline David has plans (vv1-2) But so does God (v4) … because God hasn’t asked (vv5-7, 1 Kings 5:3) … because God will build (vv8-17) David’s humble praise (vv18-29) Where is this forever king? What are you building?

A Rising King | 2 Samuel 1-4 |
Proud King Saul is dead and David has been anointed as king. Is he the king we’ve been waiting for? Outline Dying by the sword (2 Samuel 2:1) The backstory Saul Falls, David Rises 2 Samuel 1:1-2 2 Samuel 1:15-16 2 Samuel 2:1 2 Samuel 1:19 2 Samuel 9:7, 11 Kingdom Habits