
The Priest-King | Zechariah 6:9-15 |
What does mean to say ‘Jesus is the Christ’? In this message from Zechariah 6, we dig deep into the good news that Jesus is the Priest-King. Outline The Crowning of the Priest‽ Jesus Our Priest-King (Hebrews 1:1-3) The Temple Builder God’s Living Temple (1 Peter 2:4-10)

I AM the Bread of Life | John 6:30-59 |
A sermon on who Jesus is, his divinity and eternity, from John 6.

The Source of Life | John 1:1-18 |
The source of everything (vv 1-5) who is rejected and received (vv 6-13) when he comes to us (vv 14-18) Jesus, the source of your life

When God Is Small | Luke 20:41-21:4 |
Jesus against the religious leaders who… made God small (20:41-44) (Psalm 110:1) and made themselves big (20:45-47) But when God is big…(21:1-4)

Making an Entrance | Luke 19:28-48 |
The entrance of the king (19:28-38) But not everyone’s welcoming… The Pharisees (vv39-40) The Capital (vv41-44) The Priests (vv45-48) Will you welcome the king? Will you welcome this king?

Nothing Will Be Impossible with God | Luke 1:5-38 |
Gabriel’s two announcements: John will prepare the way (1:5-25) Jesus, the son of David (1:26-38) Isaiah 11 Nothing will be impossible with God! God’s prepared people