Listening Kingdom
| Matthew 13:1-23 |
Do you (or someone you know) have selective hearing? What about with God? In this message, Jesus calls us to have ears to hear his message. Outline Nice story (vv1-9) Why stories? (vv10-17) Hear the story (vv18-23)
Do you (or someone you know) have selective hearing? What about with God? In this message, Jesus calls us to have ears to hear his message. Outline Nice story (vv1-9) Why stories? (vv10-17) Hear the story (vv18-23)
What? Church
| Acts 2:42-47 |
If Christ is building his church so that all creation will see the wisdom of God, what should churches do when we gather? Outline A model church Apostles’ Teaching (Acts 2:42; Ephesians 4:11-13) Sharing (Acts 2:42-46; 1 Corinthians 11:17-35) Prayer (and song) (Acts 2:42, 47; Colossians 3:16-17) Adding (Acts 2:47; 1 Corinthians 14:24-25) Christ’s Church, Christ’s Way
If Christ is building his church so that all creation will see the wisdom of God, what should churches do when we gather? Outline A model church Apostles’ Teaching (Acts 2:42; Ephesians 4:11-13) Sharing (Acts 2:42-46; 1 Corinthians 11:17-35) Prayer (and song) (Acts 2:42, 47; Colossians 3:16-17) Adding (Acts 2:47; 1 Corinthians 14:24-25) Christ’s Church, Christ’s Way
Kingdom of Rest
| Matthew 11:25-30 |
Are you weary or burdened? In this message, we hear Jesus invitation to those who are. Outline What pleases God? (vv25-27) What is Christ’s heart? (vv28-30) Find Rest in Christ During the sermon two books by Dane Ortland were mentioned: Gentle and Lowly The Heart of Jesus
Are you weary or burdened? In this message, we hear Jesus invitation to those who are. Outline What pleases God? (vv25-27) What is Christ’s heart? (vv28-30) Find Rest in Christ During the sermon two books by Dane Ortland were mentioned: Gentle and Lowly The Heart of Jesus
The Suffering Kingdom
| Matthew 10:16-42 |
What is worth suffering rejection and opposition? In this message, we hear Jesus speak of how his eternal kingdom is even worth enduring persecution. Outline Be on Guard Why persecution? Why endure it?
What is worth suffering rejection and opposition? In this message, we hear Jesus speak of how his eternal kingdom is even worth enduring persecution. Outline Be on Guard Why persecution? Why endure it?
Sent for the Kingdom
| Matthew 9:35-10:15 |
How do you respond when you see the ‘mess’ of our world? In this message, we hear how Jesus responded and what he calls his followers to do. Outline Jesus’ Compassion (9:35-38) Jesus’ Call (10:1-4) Jesus’ Command (10:5-15)
How do you respond when you see the ‘mess’ of our world? In this message, we hear how Jesus responded and what he calls his followers to do. Outline Jesus’ Compassion (9:35-38) Jesus’ Call (10:1-4) Jesus’ Command (10:5-15)
The Mission of the King
| Matthew 4:12-25 |
What is Jesus’ mission and how do we get to partner in it? Outline To bring light and life (vv12-17) Joining the mission (vv18-22) The kingdom comes (vv23-25) Join the mission (Due to technical issues, the audio for the first 1 1/2 minutes was recorded separately.)
What is Jesus’ mission and how do we get to partner in it? Outline To bring light and life (vv12-17) Joining the mission (vv18-22) The kingdom comes (vv23-25) Join the mission (Due to technical issues, the audio for the first 1 1/2 minutes was recorded separately.)
Bold and Unhindered
| Acts 28:11-31 |
Can anything stop God’s kingdom? Often followers of Jesus feel weak and broken—but in this final message from the book of Acts, we see how when we are weak, God is strong. Outline Strength in Weakness (vv11-16) Persevering despite hard hearts (vv17-28) Proclaiming Boldly and without Hindrance (vv30-31)
Can anything stop God’s kingdom? Often followers of Jesus feel weak and broken—but in this final message from the book of Acts, we see how when we are weak, God is strong. Outline Strength in Weakness (vv11-16) Persevering despite hard hearts (vv17-28) Proclaiming Boldly and without Hindrance (vv30-31)
Unhindered by ‘Wisdom’
| Acts 17 |
Why is Jesus good news for you and for the world? As we hear the gospel proclaimed in a synagogue in Thessalonica and the Aeropagus in Athens, we hear how good Jesus is. Outline Jesus is the Messiah (vv1-15) Jesus is the Judge of the World (vv16-34) The God who Saves
Why is Jesus good news for you and for the world? As we hear the gospel proclaimed in a synagogue in Thessalonica and the Aeropagus in Athens, we hear how good Jesus is. Outline Jesus is the Messiah (vv1-15) Jesus is the Judge of the World (vv16-34) The God who Saves
Unbelieveably Good News
| Acts 13 |
What makes Jesus unbelievably good news? In this message we see how the death, resurrection, and reign of Jesus is the answer to God’s promises and the only way we can receive forgiveness and freedom. Outline Promised Saviour (vv16-25) Risen Saviour (vv26-37) Receiving Salvation (vv38-41) Unbelievable Salvation (vv42-52)
What makes Jesus unbelievably good news? In this message we see how the death, resurrection, and reign of Jesus is the answer to God’s promises and the only way we can receive forgiveness and freedom. Outline Promised Saviour (vv16-25) Risen Saviour (vv26-37) Receiving Salvation (vv38-41) Unbelievable Salvation (vv42-52)
Accepted by God
| Acts 9:32-11:18 |
Are we willing to accept, to show hospitality, to those who are different? In this message from Acts 10, we see that in Christ, God makes the unclean to be holy, which challenges the boundaries of our acceptance. Outline What God makes clean (10:1-23) What God makes holy (10:24-48) No Favouritism
Are we willing to accept, to show hospitality, to those who are different? In this message from Acts 10, we see that in Christ, God makes the unclean to be holy, which challenges the boundaries of our acceptance. Outline What God makes clean (10:1-23) What God makes holy (10:24-48) No Favouritism