
The Trustworthy Kingdom | Matthew 9:18-34 |
Who can you trust? In this message we hear that Jesus is trustworthy. Outline Trusting Jesus Rejecting Jesus Will you trust the king? During this sermon, an earlier message on Mark 5 is mentioned. You can listen to that sermon here .

Through the Fiercest of Storms | Acts 27:1-28:10 |
How can we persevere when life’s fiercest storms come? In the message from Acts 27-28, we see how God’s promises to Paul enable him to remain confident in God—even through fear.

Blessed | Galatians 3:1-14 |
What does it mean to be blessed? How do we receive God’s blessing? In this message from Galatians 3 we hear the good news that God graciously pours out his promised blessing of the Spirit and righteousness through faith, not works. Outline Fooled! (v1) The blessing of the Spirit (vv2-5) Blessed with Abraham (vv6-9) Redeemed from the Curse (vv10-14) Being blessed by God

Christ Alone | Acts 15:1-35 |
When you add something to faith in Jesus it’s really subtraction. In this final message from this series in Acts, we see how the earliest churches respond when the good news of faith alone is under threat from legalistic false teachings. Outline Christ Plus… (vv1-5) Remembering what God’s done and promised (vv6-18) Christ Alone (vv19-35)

Waiting Faith | Habakkuk 2:2-20 |
How do we ’live by faith’ in the midst of suffering and oppression? In this message, we hear God’s confronting and comforting response to this question. Outline Two ways to live (vv2-5) Five Woes (vv6-20) Living by Faith

Serving God With a Pure Heart | Haggai 2:10-19 |
Why our works cannot please God Why our works can please God

Help My Unbelief | Mark 9:14-32 |
Where do you go with questions, fears, or doubts? As we continue journeying with Jesus, in this message we see Jesus mercifully welcomes people who desperately come to him with questions and struggles. Outline Descending to earth (vv14-18) If you are able (vv19-24) Rising again (vv25-32) Help our unbelief

Trusting Jesus | Mark 5:21-43 |
Why should you trust Jesus? As we see Jesus heal a chronically ill woman and raise a little girl to life, we see that Jesus can be trusted not only because of his power and authority but also because of his compassionate heart. Outline Desperate Faith (vv21-24) Hidden faith (vv25-34) Faith for life (vv35-43) Trusting Jesus

Why Are You Afraid? | Mark 4:35-5:20 |
When have you been most afraid? As we see Jesus’ powerful authority to calm the raging sea and the tormented man, we not only see who he truly is, but also that we can trust him when chaos rages. Outline Afraid of the storm (4:25-41) Afraid of the calm (5:1-20) Who is this man? Will you trust him?

Raised With Christ | Ephesians 2:1-10 |
Who are you? What’s your story? In Ephesians 2, we hear the good news of God’s gift of salvation—that those who receive Christ receive his story of death to life. How will you respond to God’s gift? Outline Previously: Dead and Mislead (vv1-3) But God (v4) made alive together (v5) raised and seated together in the heavenly realms (vv6-7) because of his grace (vv8-9) Which changes us (v10)