Growth Group

Matthew 8-12: Seeing the Kingdom
In term 3 2024 we’ll be studying Matthew 8-12 in our Growth Groups . Please get in touch if you’d like to join a group. You can download the study booklets here. (The images in this PDF are deliberately provided in low resolution. Full resolution versions will be printed and available at church and in Growth Groups.) These studies accompany our sermons on Matthew 8-12.

Matthew 5-7: Stay Salty
In term 1 2024 we’ll be studying Jesus’ ‘Sermon on the Mount’ in our Growth Groups . Please get in touch if you’d like to join a group. You can download the study booklets here. (The images in this PDF are deliberately provided in low resolution. Full resolution versions will be printed and available at church and in Growth Groups.) These studies accompany our sermons on Matthew 5-7.

1 Thessalonians: Faith Under Pressure
In term 3 2023 we’ll be studying 1 Thessalonians in our Growth Groups . Please get in touch if you’d like to join a group. You can download the study booklets here. (The images in this PDF are deliberately provided in low resolution. Full resolution versions will be printed and available at church and in Growth Groups.) These studies accompany our sermons on 1 & 2 Thessalonians which will kick off later in term 3. Read more

Acts 15-28: Mission Unhindered
In term 1 2023 we’ll be studying Acts 15-28 in our Growth Groups . Please get in touch if you’d like to join a group. You can download the study booklets here. (The images in this PDF are deliberately provided in low resolution. Full resolution versions will be printed and available at church and in Bible study groups.) You may also find this graphic of the Gospel Progress in Acts useful to accompany these studies. Read more

Acts 8-15: Salvation to the World
In term 3 2022 we’re going to be studying Acts 8-15 in our Bible Study groups . Please get in touch if you’d like to join a group. You can download the study booklets here. (The images in this PDF are deliberately provided in low resolution. Full resolution versions will be printed and available at church and in Bible study groups.) You may also find this graphic of the Gospel Progress in Acts useful to accompany these studies. Read more

Acts 1-7: The Saving Word
In term 1 2022 we’re going to be studying Acts 1-7 in our Bible Study groups . Please get in touch if you’d like to join a group. You can download the study booklets here. You may also find this graphic of the Gospel Progress in Acts useful to accompany these studies. These studies accompany our sermons on Acts 1-7.

1 Peter Bible Studies | Hope Away From Home |
In Term 3 2021 we’re studying the letter of 1 Peter in our Bible Studies and sermons at church . If you want to be part of a Bible study group, get in touch . You can download the study booklets here (PDF) . Copyright These Bible studies are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Micah Bible Studies | What Does God Require |
In Term 2 2021 we’re studying the Old Testament prophet Micah in our Bible Studies and sermons at church . If you want to be part of a Bible study group, get in touch . You can download the study booklets here (PDF) . Copyright These Bible studies, apart from pages 2-4, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Pages 2-4 copyright Visual Unit .

Romans 6-16: Knowing and Living in God’s Mercy
God’s salvation in Jesus is amazing. In the opening chapters of Romans, we read ‘all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace’. This message is good news—free salvation, undeserved forgiveness, gracious righteousness. But what difference does it make? In term 4 2017, at both Church and Bible studies, we’re continuing our series in Romans, seeing what it means to know and to live in God’s mercy. Read more

God, Who Is Rich In Mercy - Bible Studies Term 3 2017
This term our Bible Study groups are looking at the Old Testament book of Judges. You can grab printed copies of the study books from church or download a low-resolution version here . You can find our more about our Bible Study groups here .