
Relating Under Pressure | 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 |
As ‘children of the light’ (1 Thess 5:5) believers are being shaped by God’s Spirit to live in his new family—a family of joy, growth, patience, holiness, and grace. Outline Relating within church (vv12-15) Relating with God (vv16-22) Relating in Holiness (vv23-28)

Living Under Pressure | 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 |
It can be hard to stick out—we often feel pressure to conform. In this message from 1 Thessalonians 4, God’s people are encouraged to live for Jesus in our private and public relationahips. Outline Avoid Sexual Immorality (vv1-8) Live a Quiet Life (vv9-12)

Accepted by God | Acts 9:32-11:18 |
Are we willing to accept, to show hospitality, to those who are different? In this message from Acts 10, we see that in Christ, God makes the unclean to be holy, which challenges the boundaries of our acceptance. Outline What God makes clean (10:1-23) What God makes holy (10:24-48) No Favouritism

Serving God With a Pure Heart | Haggai 2:10-19 |
Why our works cannot please God Why our works can please God

Transforming Hope | 1 Peter 1:13-2:3 |
How does Jesus transform lives? In this message from 1 Peter, we hear how our holy God changes his people to love like him. Outline Transforming hope (1:13-16) Two truths for transformation (1:17-21) Transformed to love (1:22-25) Transformed taste (2:1-3)

The Shepherd from Bethlehem | Micah 4:9-5:15 |
Where do you see God at work? Our instinct is often to look for ‘big’ things or ‘good’ things. But as God spoke to his people through Micah, he teaches them that he’s at work through good and difficult times, in unexpected places, and as he grows them in holiness. Outline Present pain (4:9-5:1) Coming shepherd (5:2-8) The end of evil (5:9-15) Seeing God at work

New Clothes | Colossians 3:12-17 |
How does trusting in Jesus change us? The new life Jesus gives means we take off what is opposed to Christ and put on a new way of living and speaking. Outline Take off the old self (vv 5, 8) Put on the new self (vv12-15) Be indwelled by Christ’s word (vv16 -17) (Note: the recording didn’t work during church and so this audio was recorded afterwards.) Read more

Holding Firm to the Saviour | 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 |
Why do we need to be saved? (v13) How can we be saved? (vv13-14) How do we hold firm? (vv15-17)