
The LORD is God | 1 Kings 17-20 |
When it feels like things are on the decline we can easily fall into despair. In 1 Kings we see this with the prophet Elijah, even after God shows his power. In this message, we’re encouraged from 1 Kings to remember that the LORD is God. Outline The LORD lives—in Israel and beyond (chp 17) The LORD is God—but his prophet despairs (chps 18-19) Knowing the LORD—but the king sulks (chp 20) In this message, the podcast The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God is recommended. Read more

The Reign of God’s Word | 1 Kings 12-16 |
Why do things (good and bad) happen? As God’s people are thrown into chaos as they are ruled by faithless and foolish kings, we see the God’s Word remains in control. Outline Foolish and Faithless Kings But God’s Word Reigns

A Wise King? | 1 Kings 10-11 |
Does God’s glory take your breath away? As Solomon’s life comes to an end, we see the breathtaking goodness of God in Solomon’s wisdom, but also the sad way his life ends. It’s an encouragement and warning to us—because in Jesus, one greater than Solomon is here. Outline Breathtaking Wisdom (1 Kings 10) Head-shaking Disobedience (1 Kings 11) Learning and Seeing True Wisdom (Matthew 12:42; 1 Corinthians 1:21-25)

Knowing Genuine Faith | 1 Thessalonians 1 |
What does genuine Christian faith look like? In this message from 1 Thessalonians 1, we see the marks of genuine faith which were shown by the believers in Thessalonica. Outline Genuine Thanksgiving (vv1-3) Genuine Reception of the Gospel (vv4-8) Genuine Conversion (vv9-10) Genuine Christianity

God’s Grace to Unsure and Unfaithful People | Judges 6-8 |
Another time around (6:1-10) Gideon an unsure leader (6:11-16, 36-40; 7:9-15a) a spiteful leader (8:4-21) a faithless leader (8:21-32) God is a mighty warrior (7:1-8, 17-23) gracious and patient beyond measure! God’s gracious patience means salvation 2 Peter 3:3-9

Celebrating the LORD’s Victory | Joshua 10-11 |
The LORD Wins! God and Genocide War on Idolatry Deuteronomy 20:16-18 Colossians 3:5-10 War and Punishment Genesis 15:13-16 2 Corinthians 5:21 Revelation 19:11-16 2 Peter 3:9

True Love? | Hosea 4-7 |
The LORD against Israel (Hosea 4-5) Something’s missing (4:1-3) The problem with priests (4:4-6) …is not lack of religion (4:7-19) The trouble with treaties (5:8-15; also 7:11-16) Israel’s fickle repentance (6:1-6) What God desires (Matthew 9:13; 12:7)

Love for the Unfaithful | Hosea 1-3 |
The pain of infidelity (1:1-9; 2:2-5) The punishment of unfaithful Israel (2:9-13) Loving the unfaithful (1:10-2:1; 2:14-3:5) This is God’s love for us (1 Peter 2:10)

Greed | 1 Timothy 6:6-19 |
A Root of all kinds of evil… What is greed? (1 Timothy 6:9; 3:3) Our money problem (1 Timothy 6:9-10, 17) Luke 12:13-15 Luke 16:13 Colossians 3:5 How to be really rich (Revelation 3:17-18; 1 Timothy 6:11) Flee Greed Pursue God