
Seeing Jesus’ Authority | Matthew 8:1-17 |
It’s no good taking your concerns to someone who doesn’t have the authority to change things. But Jesus is one with authority. Outline Jesus’ authority to cleanse (vv1-4) Jesus’ authority for the world (vv5-13) Jesus’ authority and the cross (vv14-17) (Note: the recording was started a few seconds into the sermon.)

Bold and Unhindered | Acts 28:11-31 |
Can anything stop God’s kingdom? Often followers of Jesus feel weak and broken—but in this final message from the book of Acts, we see how when we are weak, God is strong. Outline Strength in Weakness (vv11-16) Persevering despite hard hearts (vv17-28) Proclaiming Boldly and without Hindrance (vv30-31)

Kingdom Expectations | Acts 14 |
If Jesus is risen and reigning, what expectations should we have for life in his kingdom? Outline The Kingdom Comes (vv1-20) Strengthened and Encouraged (vv21-28) Strengthened for Hardship

Witnesses to the Resurrection | Acts 1 |
Where is Jesus now? What is he doing? In this message, which begins our new series in Acts 1-7, we hear the encouraging answer to these questions. Outline What Jesus began to do (vv1-5) Power for witness (vv6-8) What Jesus continues to do (vv9-11) What the witnesses continue to do (vv12-26)

The Son Revealed | Mark 13 |
In this message, we hear some of Jesus most troubling words, as he prepares his followers for the greatest distress of history—and the mission that will follow. Outline Mountain Top View (vv1-4) Signs and Suffering (vv5-13) Greatest distress (vv14-23) The Son Comes (vv24-32) Watch (vv33-37) The Mission of the Son Revealed

Receiving the Kingdom | Mark 10:13-31 |
Who would you expect Jesus to welcome? Who would God want in his kingdom? In this message from Mark’s Gospel we see two events that show us who receives God’s kingdom. Outline Welcoming in (vv13-16) Walking away (vv17-22) All things are possible (vv23-31) Disciples of the Kingdom

Power and Peace | Luke 19:11-28 |
The rulers and kingdoms of our world are all about power and profit, no matter the cost. But in Jesus we Jesus a king who’s kingdom brings true peace. As Jesus heads up to Jerusalem, he asks us to choose our kingdom. Outline A story of two kingdoms A parable of an evil king Which kingdom will you choose?

Haves and Have-Nots | Luke 18:15-34 |
What do you need to do to enter God’s kingdom? A bloke who seemed to have everything going for him, asked Jesus this question. But Jesus’ surprising answer shows how God’s kingdom conflicts with our world’s values of status and power. Greedy-hearted humans can’t enter God’s Kingdom, but God has made it possible for those who like a child receive his generosity in Jesus. Outline Empty Hands (vv15-17) Not what you offer (vv18-30) The suffering and rising king (vv31-34) Will you enter God’s kingdom?

Lost and Preserved | Luke 17:20-37 |
When you hear a warning of something concerning coming your way, do you stay or do you go? In this passage, as we continue our journey with Jesus, we will hear him talking about the cross, the turning point of history. It brings judgement on the world and ushers in the Kingdom of God. Jesus calls us to escape the world and find refuge in him. Outline The Kingdom of God (Daniel 2:44, 7:13-14) … is among you (Luke 17:20-21) …comes through suffering (17:22-25) …comes with sudden judgment (17:26-37) Living now in the Kingdom

A Forever King | 2 Samuel 7 |
Do you want to build something which lasts? David desires to build a house for God and secure his peace and blessing, but God reminds him that he is the one who builds things that last. God promises David’s son will build his house and God himself will make a kingdom that will last forever. Outline David has plans (vv1-2) But so does God (v4) … because God hasn’t asked (vv5-7, 1 Kings 5:3) … because God will build (vv8-17) David’s humble praise (vv18-29) Where is this forever king? What are you building?