
But God… | Ephesians 2:1-10 |
In the back of our minds we have the gnawing thought things are quite what they should be. In Ephesians 2 we hear God’s diagnosis, but the even better good news of grace (undeserved gift) in Jesus. Outline Diagnosis: Walking Dead (vv1-3) But God… (v4) made alive (v5) raised (vv6-7) It’s all a gift! (vv8-10)

Living Hope | 1 Peter 1:1-9 |
Is it possible to face suffering and trials with joy or hope? As we begin this series in 1 Peter, Hope Away From Home, we hear how Jesus gives us everything we need to have a true, living hope. Outline To those far from home (vv1-2) What God has done (vv3-5) Joy in trials (vv6-9)

Known by God | Psalm 139 |
Psalm 139 is a precious Psalm for lots of people because it shows how the big truth about God knowing everything, being everywhere, and being able to do anything, is deeply personal for us. Outline God knows everything (vv1-6) God is everywhere (vv7-12) The creator can do everything (vv13-18) Being known changes us (vv19-24) Sermon resources: During the sermon, we watched the first minute of this debate between Christopher and Peter Hitchens . Read more

New Life | John 2:23-3:36 |
Judging Jesus (2:23-3:2) Religion can’t give new life (3:3-15, 31-34) Only Jesus can give new life (3:16-21, 36) Do you have new life?

The Source of Life | John 1:1-18 |
The source of everything (vv 1-5) who is rejected and received (vv 6-13) when he comes to us (vv 14-18) Jesus, the source of your life