
Unstoppable Salvation | Acts 8:1-25 |
Does God ever find things not going to his plan? In Acts 8 we see that persecution, sorcery, slowness, and sin cannot stop God’s plan to bring salvation. Outline Scattered but not stopped (vv1-4) Receiving the Gospel and the Spirit (vv5-17) Repentance (vv18-25)

Counted Worthy | Acts 5:12-42 |
What do you think is the future for Christianity? Should persecution or gospel growth be expected? In this message from Acts, we hear how the earliest church continued to grow and rejoiced to be counted worthy of suffering for Jesus. Outline Signs of Life (vv12-16) Obeying God or People? (vv17-33) Opposing God? (vv34-39) Counted Worthy (vv40-42)

God’s Saving Gifts | Acts 2:1-41 |
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? In this message, we hear of God’s amazing gifts of forgiveness and his Spirit, given because Jesus is risen and reigning. Outline Beginning in Jerusalem (vv1-13) The Spirit is poured out (vv14-21) because the crucified Christ is ascended (vv22-36) Everyone who calls upon his name… (vv37-41)

Witnesses to the Resurrection | Acts 1 |
Where is Jesus now? What is he doing? In this message, which begins our new series in Acts 1-7, we hear the encouraging answer to these questions. Outline What Jesus began to do (vv1-5) Power for witness (vv6-8) What Jesus continues to do (vv9-11) What the witnesses continue to do (vv12-26)

The Son Revealed | Mark 13 |
In this message, we hear some of Jesus most troubling words, as he prepares his followers for the greatest distress of history—and the mission that will follow. Outline Mountain Top View (vv1-4) Signs and Suffering (vv5-13) Greatest distress (vv14-23) The Son Comes (vv24-32) Watch (vv33-37) The Mission of the Son Revealed

The King in His Temple | Luke 11:1-25 |
What does Jesus’ think about corrupt, exclusive, religion? In this message, we see how Jesus responds to religion that’s all show and without fruit. Outline The king arrives (vv1-11) A tree without fruit (vv12-21) Prayer at the end of the world (vv22-25)

Rejecting Jesus | Mark 6:1-30 |
Jesus faced rejection from the who knew him, those he didn’t, and those in power. What do you think of him? Outline Rejected by his people (6:1-6) Preparing for rejection (6:6-13) Rejected by the powerful (6:14-29) Prepare for rejection Rejecting Jesus

What is this? Authority! | Mark 1:14-45 |
Jesus stood out because of his unique and unquestionable authority. As we see Jesus’ authority in his words and actions, it raises the question of how we respond to him. Outline It’s time (vv14-15) Jesus has authority… to call (vv16-20) in his teaching (vv21-22) over unclean spirits (vv23-28) over sickness (vv29-39) over uncleanness (vv40-45) Life under Jesus’ authority

Down, Down, Down | Jonah 1:1-16 |
Are you running from God? In this message, we hear about a bloke who tried running from God and the unexpected way God’s grace showed up. Outline Setting the scene (vv1-2) Man on the run (v3) Stormy weather (vv4-15) Fearing the Lord (v16) Greater than Jonah (Matthew 12:41; Mark 4:35-41)

Revelation of Christ | Ephesians 3:1-13 |
Where do you go to uncover the mystery of God? In this message, we hear how God’s glorious plan, now revealed in Christ Jesus, gives hope when we’re discouraged. Outline What is God doing? (v1) God is revealing the mystery (vv2-5) of Jew and Gentile together in Christ (v6) through gospel preaching (vv7-9) for the sake of glory (vv10-13)