
Committed to God | Acts 18-20 |
What, or who, is the church of God? As we begin a series in Ephesians, we’re looking at the back story of how the gospel came to Ephesus and the church was planted. Outline A life worth watching (20:17-21; also 18:19-26; 19:1-10) Shepherding the church of God (20:28; also 19:32, 41) …to safety and growth (20:29-32)

Fellow Workers | Colossians 4:7-18 |
Is the Christian life more like a solo or a team sport? In this message, we hear from the often-overlooked ‘final words’ of the letter to the Colossians which gives us insight into what life is like co-labouring in God’s service. Outline Messengers of Encouragement (vv7-9) Fellow workers (vv10-14) Churches of the Word (vv15-18)

Growing in Christ | Colossians 1:1-14 |
How does someone grow as a follower of Jesus? Outline Paul and Colossae (vv 1-2) Faith, Hope, and Love (vv 3-8) Living worthy of the God we know (vv 9-13) Are we growing in Christ?

Fit for the Kingdom | Luke 9:51-10:24 |
Jesus’ Radical Direction (9:51-56) Jesus’ Radical Requirements (9:57-62) Jesus’ Radical Priorities (10:1-16) Jesus’ Radical Joy (10:17-24)

Saviour For All People | 1 Timothy 2:1-7 |
Pray for all people (vv1-2) because there is one God and one Mediator (vv3-7) Pray ourselves onto mission Slides

Partners in God’s Mission | Romans 15:14-16:27 |
(Note, during this sermon some of our gospel partners were mentioned by name. Their names have been removed from this recording in the interests of security and privacy.) God’s Mission (15:14-22; 16:25-27) which we are partners in by giving (15:23-29) by praying (15:30-33) by working (16:1-23) What’s your part in God’s mission?

Beginning in Jerusalem | Luke 24:36-52 |
The end of Act 1 It is written and must be fulfilled (vv44-49) … to suffer … to rise to preach Preaching to the Nations

The Guilty Justified | Romans 3:21-31 |
The Verdict: Righteous (3:21-23) But how? (3:24-26) Justified Redeemed Propitiated …and God is still just So it’s got nothing to do with us (3:27-31) Trust in Christ!