
What? Church | Acts 2:42-47 |
If Christ is building his church so that all creation will see the wisdom of God, what should churches do when we gather? Outline A model church Apostles’ Teaching (Acts 2:42; Ephesians 4:11-13) Sharing (Acts 2:42-46; 1 Corinthians 11:17-35) Prayer (and song) (Acts 2:42, 47; Colossians 3:16-17) Adding (Acts 2:47; 1 Corinthians 14:24-25) Christ’s Church, Christ’s Way

Joyful Partners | Philippians 4:10-23 |
In this message from Philippians 4 we hear of the joy of generous, costly, partnership in the gospel. Outline In Christ we learn contentment (vv10-13) In Christ we learn generous partnership (vv14-16) In Christ we benefit from partnership (vv17-20) In Christ our ‘circles’ grow (vv21-23)

Partners in Love | Philippians 1:1-11 |
What do you feel about other believers? In this opening section to Paul’s letter to the Christian believers in Philippi, we’re challenged to overflow in Christ’s love for his people. Outline To God’s holy people (vv1-2) Are you thankful? (vv3-6) What fills your heart? (vv7-8) What do you pray? (vv9-11)

Family of the King | Matthew 12:38-50 |
Family can make us feel complex emotions: it can be both a source of joy and safety but also a cause of anguish, longing, or grief. As we finish this series in Matthew’s gospel we hear Jesus rebuke of those who should be in God’s family but have broken faith and also the precious promise of a place in the family of the king. Outline Will you see the signs? (vv38-45) Who’s Jesus’ family? (vv46-50)

Sent for the Kingdom | Matthew 9:35-10:15 |
How do you respond when you see the ‘mess’ of our world? In this message, we hear how Jesus responded and what he calls his followers to do. Outline Jesus’ Compassion (9:35-38) Jesus’ Call (10:1-4) Jesus’ Command (10:5-15)

Real Reward | Matthew 6:1-12 |
As we continue our series listening to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount we hear his call for sincere spirituality, righteousness for God’s reward. Outline Where is your reward? What is your treasure? (vv1, 19-21) Secret Generosity. Secret Fasting (vv2-4, 16-18) Secret and Simple Prayer (vv5-15) Is your ‘righteousness’ for real reward?

Love Under Pressure | 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13 |
Through his death and resurrection, Jesus rescues people into a new family bound together by love. Outline Prioritise Presence (2:17-3:5) Find Joy in Others’ Faith (3:6-10) Pray with Eternal Views (3:11-13)

Strength Under Pressure | 2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:5 |
How do you cope with the pressures of life? If you’re a Christian, how do you sometimes feel pressure to give up on trusting in Jesus? In this message from 2 Thessalonians, we hear God’s promise to strengthen the people he loves in Christ. Outline Know who you are (2:13-14) Pray to stand firm (2:15-17) Pray for Gospel Progress (3:1-2) Rest in the God who strengthens (3:3-5)

Prayer Under Pressure | 2 Thessalonians 1 |
What do you say to someone suffering for following Jesus? What do you pray for them? In this message from 2 Thessalonians 1, we hear how Paul, through his prayers, encourages a church facing persecution. Outline A Church Born in a Hurry (2 Thess 1:1-2; Acts 17) What do you pray for (part 1)? (vv3-4) Is God’s judgment right? (vv5-10) What do you pray for (part 2)? (vv11-12)

Seek to Become a Mature Christian | James 5:7-20 |
A message from James 5 about how God makes his people mature. Outline Be Patient in Suffering Make no frivolous oaths Pray for physical and spiritual healing Help restore the rebellious believer (There is a significant change in audio quality after the first 12 minutes.)