
The LORD Sees | 1 Kings 21-22 |
It looked like the ‘perfect crime’. But the LORD God saw the sin of Israel’s most vile king, Ahab, sin and brought justice. In this message from 1 Kings, we hear the sobering reality that God sees everything, but also his amazing grace, that this is the same God who gives forgiveness and new life to all who trust in Jesus. Outline A Perfect Crime (21:1-16) Found out! (21:17-26) Repentance (21:27-28) or Regret (Chapter 22)

A Wise King? | 1 Kings 10-11 |
Does God’s glory take your breath away? As Solomon’s life comes to an end, we see the breathtaking goodness of God in Solomon’s wisdom, but also the sad way his life ends. It’s an encouragement and warning to us—because in Jesus, one greater than Solomon is here. Outline Breathtaking Wisdom (1 Kings 10) Head-shaking Disobedience (1 Kings 11) Learning and Seeing True Wisdom (Matthew 12:42; 1 Corinthians 1:21-25)

Beloved King | Matthew 3 |
Listen as we hear the good (and serious) news of the coming king, Jesus Spirit-empowered beloved Son of the Father. Outline Listen to the preparing voice (vv1-12) Listen to the declaring voice (vv13-17)

Second Chances | Zechariah 1-2 |
We love second chances—but what about God? Does he give second chances? In this message from the opening chapters of Zechariah we hear the good news of God’s promise to give something better than a second chance. Outline Context: no king and no temple (1:1) ‘Return to the LORD’ (1:2-6) Four Scenes of Overflowing Grace (1:7-2:13) God’s borderless city!

Shepherding God’s Flock | Acts 19:11-20:38 |
What should Christian leadership (elders) look like? In this message, we hear Paul’s final words of instruction and encouragement to some church elders. Outline A model of Christian ministry (20:17-27) What elders must do (20:28-35)

The Patience of God | 2 Peter 3 |
It’s been a long time since Jesus died and rose again—is he ever coming back? In this message from 2 Peter 3 we hear the good news that God isn’t slow, but patient—and how this changes everything. Outline The Scoffers (vv1-4) …have forgotten (vv5-10) How then should we live? (vv11-18)

A Fresh Start | Acts 3 |
There are some things we wish we could do again—have a ‘fresh start’—where our mistakes and failings are gone and we get to start again. In this message on Acts 3 we see and hear of God’s power to give a fresh start. Outline The sign (vv1-10) Whose power? (vv11-16) The promise (vv17-21) Fulfilled (vv22-26)

The Beginning | Mark 1:1-13 |
How is Jesus’ life good news now? Outline The beginning (v1) Preparation (vv2-8) Declaration (vv9-11) Conflict (vv12-13) The good news continues

From the Depths | Jonah 1:17-2:10 |
As we hear Jonah’s prayer from the belly of a big fish, Jonah is a mirror for us and shows that God’s grace precedes and exceeds our repentance. Outline God’s Deep Salvation (1:17) Jonah’s Shallow Prayer (2:1-9) God’s Response (2:10) Salvation Comes From the LORD The Sign of Jonah (Matthew 12:39-40)

Changed by Christ | Ephesians 4:17-24 |
Is it possible to change? In Jesus, believers have put on the new self in Christ, created to be like God, so we’re not to live as if still enslaved under the power of the old self. Outline The old life (vv17-19) The new life (vv20-24) Jesus changes lives! During the introduction we watched the first section of this Youtube Clip