
Living Hope | 1 Peter 1:1-9 |
Is it possible to face suffering and trials with joy or hope? As we begin this series in 1 Peter, Hope Away From Home, we hear how Jesus gives us everything we need to have a true, living hope. Outline To those far from home (vv1-2) What God has done (vv3-5) Joy in trials (vv6-9)

The Shepherd from Bethlehem | Micah 4:9-5:15 |
Where do you see God at work? Our instinct is often to look for ‘big’ things or ‘good’ things. But as God spoke to his people through Micah, he teaches them that he’s at work through good and difficult times, in unexpected places, and as he grows them in holiness. Outline Present pain (4:9-5:1) Coming shepherd (5:2-8) The end of evil (5:9-15) Seeing God at work

The Kingdom will be the Lord’s | Obadiah |
When you suffer injustice, does God care? In this sermon we hear from Obadiah, the shortest book in the Old Testament, who reveals God’s heart to gloriously judge and save. Outline Setting the scene The King against the proud (vv1-9) The King against enemies (vv10-16) The King for his people (vv17-21)

What Shall I Return to the LORD? | Psalm 116 |
The first Christian sermon in Australia was preached on February 3, 1788. The preacher was Richard Johnson, chaplain to the prison colony in New South Wales , and he chose to preach on Psalm 116:12. On Australia Day 2020, we opened the same Psalm and asked how we can respond to God’s kindness even in the midst of suffering. Outline Crying out to the LORD (vv1-4) …who hears and saves (vv5-11) So sacrifice to and praise him (vv12-19) A sacrifice of praise (Hebrews 13:15-16)

The Suffering King | 1 Samuel 21-26 |
In the cave (1 Samuel 21-23) Entrusting to God (1 Samuel 24, 26) Jesus, God’s suffering King (Luke 24:26; 4:5-8) God’s suffering people (1 Peter 2:21-24)

The Good News of Suffering | Romans 8:18-39 |
Suffering - but with hope (vv18-25) Suffering - but not alone (vv26-27) Suffering - but with security (vv28-39) Suffering as a Christian

What is Jesus Doing About Persecution? | 2 Thessalonians 1 |
Paul and the Thessalonians (vv1-2) Acts 17 A Church Growing in Faith and Love (v3) A Church that is Persecuted (vv4-10) Isaiah 2:19 Romans 12:9 A Church Working for Jesus’ Glory (vv11-22) What is Jesus doing?

Does God Love You? | Romans 5:1-11 |
You can know God’s love because of certain hope (5:1-5) because of what He did and when He did it (5:6-8) Living in God’s love Confidence (5:9-11) Loving like God (12:14-21)