
Building Life with God | Psalm 127 |
Building buildings and work with God (vv1-2) Building families with God (vv3-5)

Dealing with Disruption | 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18 |
One of the things God is doing in churches is forming a community shaped by peace, grace, and love. So how does a church deal with disruptive and destructive behaviour? Outline What’s the problem? (vv6, 11, 16-18) Be an Example (vv7-9) Teach How to Live (vv10-13) Discipline to Disciple (vv6, 14-15)

Wisdom and Work | Proverbs |
How can we work wisely? In this message, we hear how the Proverbs encourage hard, honest work. Outline Hard work Honest work … for the Lord (Colossians 3:15-16)

Submitting for Christ | 1 Peter 2:11-25 |
How should followers of Jesus relate to government and other ‘authorities’? If Jesus is the eternal king, how does that change things? This question is big at the moment, as we’ve all experienced new and regularly changing rules and instructions from those who govern us. What direction does the Bible give for us today? Outline Living to God’s glory (vv11-12) Submitting to government (vv13-17) Submitting to ‘masters’ (vv18-20) Because Christ is our suffering shepherd (vv21-25) (In this message this sermon, ‘Serving the Lord’ is referenced. Read more

Our Gospel Hope | 1 Corinthians 15 |
‘You only live once.’ But what if that’s not true? In this message, we finishing our series ‘What We Believe’ and hear what the Bible says about resurrection and life everlasting and how that gives us hope and changes our now. Outline The good news of Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:1-11) The good news of resurrection (15:12-28) Why resurrection matters (15:29-34) All things new (15:35-53) Life everlasting…and now (15:54-58)

Serving the Lord | Ephesians 6:5-9 |
Serving Jesus impacts all our relationships and actions, including how we ‘work’. In this message, we hear what the Bible says about serving the Lord. Outline Slavery, the World, and the Bible Slaves: serve the Lord (vv5-8) Masters: remember the Lord (v9) Working and ‘mastering’ as to the Lord

Healthy Relationships | Ephesians 2:25-32 |
How can we have healthy relationships? In this message, we hear how Jesus enables us to ’live in the light’, particularly in the way we speak, work, and respond to anger. Outline Healthy Words (vv25, 29-32) Healthy Work (v28) Healthy Wrath (vv26-27, 31-32) Psalm 4:1-5 Changed for relational health

New Relationships | Colossians 3:18-4:1 |
When we have new life in Christ, all our relationships are changed by submitting to our loving Lord. Outline Marriage Parenting Slavery Our New Life in Christ (The recording at church stopped before the end. The final few minutes were re-recorded later. Unfortunately, this means they sound quite different.)

Honourable Work | 1 Timothy 6:1-2 |
Slaves … 1 Corinthians 7:21; Colossians 4:1; Galatians 3:28 Work for God’s honour (v1) Work because of gospel love (v2)

What is our work? | 2 Thessalonians 3 |
God is at work as the gospel progresses (vv1-2) as believers are established (vv3-5, 16- 18) Believers are to work (vv6-15) Working for Jesus