An Assurance From God
| Haggai 2:20-23 |
‘God’s past faithfulness gives assurance for his future promises.’ Outline Why is it needed? Assurance through God’s justice and protection Assurance through God’s faithfulness
‘God’s past faithfulness gives assurance for his future promises.’ Outline Why is it needed? Assurance through God’s justice and protection Assurance through God’s faithfulness
Serving God With a Pure Heart
| Haggai 2:10-19 |
Why our works cannot please God Why our works can please God
Why our works cannot please God Why our works can please God
Seeing God’s Glory
| Haggai 2:1-9 |
How do you see God’s glory? Outline God’s glory in the past (2:1-3) God’s glory in the present (2:4-5) God’s glory in the future (2:6-9) Due to flooding and road closures this sermon was recorded over Zoom. The final few minutes were re-recorded due to technical issues.
How do you see God’s glory? Outline God’s glory in the past (2:1-3) God’s glory in the present (2:4-5) God’s glory in the future (2:6-9) Due to flooding and road closures this sermon was recorded over Zoom. The final few minutes were re-recorded due to technical issues.
Haggai 1
Where is God, and the things of God, in your priorities? Outline Historical background (Hag. 1:1,15; Ezra 4:4-5,24) Wrong priorities (Hag. 1:2-6, 7, 9) Punishment (Hag. 1:6, 10-11) Right priorities (Hag. 1:12-14, 8)
Where is God, and the things of God, in your priorities? Outline Historical background (Hag. 1:1,15; Ezra 4:4-5,24) Wrong priorities (Hag. 1:2-6, 7, 9) Punishment (Hag. 1:6, 10-11) Right priorities (Hag. 1:12-14, 8)