Shepherding God’s Flock
| Acts 19:11-20:38 |
What should Christian leadership (elders) look like? In this message, we hear Paul’s final words of instruction and encouragement to some church elders. Outline A model of Christian ministry (20:17-27) What elders must do (20:28-35)
What should Christian leadership (elders) look like? In this message, we hear Paul’s final words of instruction and encouragement to some church elders. Outline A model of Christian ministry (20:17-27) What elders must do (20:28-35)
Making the Gospel Clear
| Acts 18:1-19:10 |
Do you know the good news of Jesus clearly? As God’s kingdom continues to grow in Corinth and Ephesus, we’re reminded of the importance of gospel partnership, persevering through opposition, and being clear on the gospel. Outline Gospel Partnership in Corinth and Ephesus (18:1-23) Gospel Clarity in Ephesus (18:24-19:10) Partnership, Perseverance, Clarity
Do you know the good news of Jesus clearly? As God’s kingdom continues to grow in Corinth and Ephesus, we’re reminded of the importance of gospel partnership, persevering through opposition, and being clear on the gospel. Outline Gospel Partnership in Corinth and Ephesus (18:1-23) Gospel Clarity in Ephesus (18:24-19:10) Partnership, Perseverance, Clarity
Unhindered by ‘Wisdom’
| Acts 17 |
Why is Jesus good news for you and for the world? As we hear the gospel proclaimed in a synagogue in Thessalonica and the Aeropagus in Athens, we hear how good Jesus is. Outline Jesus is the Messiah (vv1-15) Jesus is the Judge of the World (vv16-34) The God who Saves
Why is Jesus good news for you and for the world? As we hear the gospel proclaimed in a synagogue in Thessalonica and the Aeropagus in Athens, we hear how good Jesus is. Outline Jesus is the Messiah (vv1-15) Jesus is the Judge of the World (vv16-34) The God who Saves
Unhindered Salvation
| Acts 16:11-40 |
One of the most important questions to ask is ‘what must I do to be saved’. In this message from Acts 16, we see the difference discovering the answer to this question makes. Outline Lydia’s household saved (vv11-15) An enslaved girl saved (vv16-24) A jailer’s household saved (vv25-40)
One of the most important questions to ask is ‘what must I do to be saved’. In this message from Acts 16, we see the difference discovering the answer to this question makes. Outline Lydia’s household saved (vv11-15) An enslaved girl saved (vv16-24) A jailer’s household saved (vv25-40)
Unhindered by Conflict
| Acts 15:46-16:10 |
What difference does Jesus make when there is disagreement and conflict? As we return to Acts, the record of what Jesus continued to do through the earliest believers, we see how conflict doesn’t stop Christ’s mission but is an opportunity to glorify God. Outline A Sharp Dispute! (15:36-41) Cutting Compromise? (16:1-5) (Note: the first minute wasn’t recorded during the service and has been re-recorded afterwards.)
What difference does Jesus make when there is disagreement and conflict? As we return to Acts, the record of what Jesus continued to do through the earliest believers, we see how conflict doesn’t stop Christ’s mission but is an opportunity to glorify God. Outline A Sharp Dispute! (15:36-41) Cutting Compromise? (16:1-5) (Note: the first minute wasn’t recorded during the service and has been re-recorded afterwards.)
The Patience of God
| 2 Peter 3 |
It’s been a long time since Jesus died and rose again—is he ever coming back? In this message from 2 Peter 3 we hear the good news that God isn’t slow, but patient—and how this changes everything. Outline The Scoffers (vv1-4) …have forgotten (vv5-10) How then should we live? (vv11-18)
It’s been a long time since Jesus died and rose again—is he ever coming back? In this message from 2 Peter 3 we hear the good news that God isn’t slow, but patient—and how this changes everything. Outline The Scoffers (vv1-4) …have forgotten (vv5-10) How then should we live? (vv11-18)
There Will Be False Teachers
| 2 Peter 2 |
How can we know true or false teachers? In this message from 2 Peter 2, we hear the warning of false teachers and are encouraged to be discerning. Outline A Perennial Problem (vv1-3) God will judge and save (vv4-10) Seeing the Truth (vv10-22)
How can we know true or false teachers? In this message from 2 Peter 2, we hear the warning of false teachers and are encouraged to be discerning. Outline A Perennial Problem (vv1-3) God will judge and save (vv4-10) Seeing the Truth (vv10-22)
Who Can You Trust?
| 2 Peter 1:16-21 |
Can we trust the Bible? Outline Trust the eyewitnesses (vv16-18) Trust God’s Word (vv19-21)
Can we trust the Bible? Outline Trust the eyewitnesses (vv16-18) Trust God’s Word (vv19-21)
Fruitful Faith
| 2 Peter 1:1-15 |
Are you coasting in the Christian life? In this message from 2 Peter, we hear the Apostle urge believers to make every effort to have fruitful faith. Outline Peter’s Last Words (vv1-2, 12-15) Making Every Effort (vv3-11)
Are you coasting in the Christian life? In this message from 2 Peter, we hear the Apostle urge believers to make every effort to have fruitful faith. Outline Peter’s Last Words (vv1-2, 12-15) Making Every Effort (vv3-11)
Christmas Time
| Galatians 4:4-7 |
At Christmas, we celebrate two sendings of God—the sending of the Son and the Spirit ‘when the set time had fully come’.
At Christmas, we celebrate two sendings of God—the sending of the Son and the Spirit ‘when the set time had fully come’.