
God’s Unending Mercy | Romans 11 |
Not rejected but a remnant (vv 1-10) Not by genetics but by grafting (vv 11-24) Not ‘Israel’ but ‘All Israel’ (vv 25-32) God’s glorious mercy (vv 33-36)

Do You Have Beautiful Feet? | Romans 10 |
Religion will not save you (vv1-4) Only Jesus saves (vv5-13) Therefore … tell the world! (vv14-15) …and be prepared for the message to be rejected (vv16-21) A church with beautiful feet

God’s Faithful Mercy | Romans 9 |
The dilemma: Can God be trusted? (vv1-5) The answer: not every Israelite is ’true Israel’ (vv6-13) The objections Is God unjust? (vv14-18) Is God unfair? (vv19-30) Conclusion: it’s all about Jesus (vv31-33) Trusting our merciful God

The Good News of Suffering | Romans 8:18-39 |
Suffering - but with hope (vv18-25) Suffering - but not alone (vv26-27) Suffering - but with security (vv28-39) Suffering as a Christian

Life in Christ’s Spirit | Romans 8:1-17 |
No Condemnation (vv1-4) Because believers have God’s Spirit (vv5-13) Who makes us God’s children (sons) (vv14-17)

Law, what is it good for? | Romans 7 |
Died to the law, alive to God (vv1-6) Though the law isn’t the problem, sin is (vv7-25) The law and you

How God’s Grace Changes Lives | Romans 6 |
The story so far … (Romans 1-5) How grace changes lives: it gives new life (6:2-11) it gives a new king (6:12-14) it gives a new master (6:15-23) Has God’s grace changed you?

Always Reforming! | 2 Timothy 3:14-17; Mark 7:1-13 |
Scripture is sufficient (2 Timothy 3:14-16) … because God speaks … because God speaks about Jesus … for knowing Jesus and living for him Scripture + ? Reformed by the Scriptures

Dark Days for God’s People | Judges 19-21 |
Everyone did what was right in their own eyes Wrongdoing (Judges 19) Revenge (Judges 20) Regret (Judges 21) In those days there was no king in Israel

Deliverance Through Death | Judges 13-16 |
The deliverer no-one wanted (13:1-5) The deliverer who wants to be like everyone else (16:4-21) The deliverer who’s victorious in death (16:22-31) A better deliverer!