
Seeing Jesus’ Authority | Matthew 8:1-17 |
It’s no good taking your concerns to someone who doesn’t have the authority to change things. But Jesus is one with authority. Outline Jesus’ authority to cleanse (vv1-4) Jesus’ authority for the world (vv5-13) Jesus’ authority and the cross (vv14-17) (Note: the recording was started a few seconds into the sermon.)

A Fresh Start | Acts 3 |
There are some things we wish we could do again—have a ‘fresh start’—where our mistakes and failings are gone and we get to start again. In this message on Acts 3 we see and hear of God’s power to give a fresh start. Outline The sign (vv1-10) Whose power? (vv11-16) The promise (vv17-21) Fulfilled (vv22-26)

What is this? Authority! | Mark 1:14-45 |
Jesus stood out because of his unique and unquestionable authority. As we see Jesus’ authority in his words and actions, it raises the question of how we respond to him. Outline It’s time (vv14-15) Jesus has authority… to call (vv16-20) in his teaching (vv21-22) over unclean spirits (vv23-28) over sickness (vv29-39) over uncleanness (vv40-45) Life under Jesus’ authority

Good News for Overlooked People | Judges 9 |
Abimelech: the man you want as king? (8:33-9:6) Jotham: the voice of judgement (9:7-21) Fire from Abimelech. Fire from Shechem. (9:22-57) Good news for Abimelechs 2 Corinthians 5:10 1 Corinthians 1:26-31