
Accepted by God | Acts 9:32-11:18 |
Are we willing to accept, to show hospitality, to those who are different? In this message from Acts 10, we see that in Christ, God makes the unclean to be holy, which challenges the boundaries of our acceptance. Outline What God makes clean (10:1-23) What God makes holy (10:24-48) No Favouritism

A Model Church (Part 2) | Acts 4:32-5:11 |
Are you faking it? In this message, we see an encouraging example of generosity and a severe warning to those who fake godliness. Outline God’s true people (4:32-37) Pretend Piety (5:1-11) Due to disruptions caused by flooding, this message was pre-recorded. You can watch the video recording on YouTube

A Model Church? | Acts 2:42-47 |
What should be at the centre of a Christian community? In this message we go back to the original, earliest followers of Jesus, looking at their life together, and how it should shape us. Outline Devoted to… (v42) Awe (v43) Love (vv44-46) Gladness (v46) Gospel Growth (v47)

Carry Your Cross | Luke 14 |
Who needs healing? (vv1-6) Generous humility (vv7-11) Generous invitation (vv12-24) Count the cost (vv25-35)