
Faithfulness | Matthew 5:27-32 |
Jesus calls his followers to ‘stay salty’—to wholeheartedly live as his people. In this message, we hear Jesus’ call for his people to do marriage and relationships differently. Outline Faithful eyes (vv27-30) Faithful promises (vv31-32) The Faithful Husband (Hebrews 13:4-5; Ephesians 5:31-32)

True Faithfulness | Malachi 2:10-16 |
Broken promises break relationships. In this message from Malachi 2 we hear that God takes faithfulness seriously because he is a faithful God. Outline Unfaithful People (v10) who marry unfaithfully (vv11-12) who are unfaithful in marriage (vv13-16) Our Faithful God (Ephesians 5:31-33)

Living Under Pressure | 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 |
It can be hard to stick out—we often feel pressure to conform. In this message from 1 Thessalonians 4, God’s people are encouraged to live for Jesus in our private and public relationahips. Outline Avoid Sexual Immorality (vv1-8) Live a Quiet Life (vv9-12)

Wisdom and Wedlock | Proverbs |
What does the voice of wisdom say for marriage or singleness? Outline Danger (Proverbs 5:1-14; 1 Corinthians 6:15-20) Delight (Proverbs 5:15-23, Proverbs 21:19) but I’m talking about… (Ephesians 5:31-33)

Marriage Test | Mark 10:1-12 |
“Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” What does Jesus think about marriage? In this message, we hear how Jesus answers a trick question about marriage and divorce. Outline It’s a trap! (vv1-2) The vision and a concession (vv3-9) The heart of the matter (vv10-12) There’s, unfortunately, some distortion in this recording

Marriage | 1 Peter 3:1-7 |
In movies and fairy tales, the wedding is the start of ‘happily ever after’. But we know the reality is quite different. What does Jesus have to say to us in our imperfect ’now but not yet’ relationships? Outline True beauty (vv1-6) Deep respect (v7)

Marriage and Christ | Ephesians 5:21-33 |
The new life Jesus gives is reflected in all our relationships. In this message, we hear the difference Jesus makes to marriage, and how marriage is a picture of the gospel. Outline Wives (vv22-24) Husbands (vv25-31) Christ and the Church (vv32-33)

Interrogating the King | Luke 20:20-21:4 |
Often we ask questions with no intention of listening, but just to prove ourselves right. And it can be the same with the questions we ask of Jesus. In this message we see some people meet Jesus with an agenda, hoping to trap him. But instead, the truth is revealed. Outline Whose image? (20:20-26) Whose wife? (20:27-40) Whose son? (20:41-44) Whose example? (20:45-21:4)

New Relationships | Colossians 3:18-4:1 |
When we have new life in Christ, all our relationships are changed by submitting to our loving Lord. Outline Marriage Parenting Slavery Our New Life in Christ (The recording at church stopped before the end. The final few minutes were re-recorded later. Unfortunately, this means they sound quite different.)

Holy People Holy God | Leviticus 17-20 |
What is holiness? (Leviticus 18:1-5) Holy Religion (Leviticus 17) Holy Relationships (Leviticus 18) Holy Lives (Leviticus 19) Be Holy, Because I Am Holy