
Bold and Unhindered | Acts 28:11-31 |
Can anything stop God’s kingdom? Often followers of Jesus feel weak and broken—but in this final message from the book of Acts, we see how when we are weak, God is strong. Outline Strength in Weakness (vv11-16) Persevering despite hard hearts (vv17-28) Proclaiming Boldly and without Hindrance (vv30-31)

Through the Fiercest of Storms | Acts 27:1-28:10 |
How can we persevere when life’s fiercest storms come? In the message from Acts 27-28, we see how God’s promises to Paul enable him to remain confident in God—even through fear.

What Do You Expect? | Acts 23:31–26:32 |
What should followers of Jesus expect out of life? In this message we see Paul continuing to speak of Jesus as he stands trial—taking up his cross as he follows Jesus. Outline Not troublemakers (Acts 24) Making the most (Acts 26) Take up your cross

Persecution and Protection | Acts 21:27-23:30 |
When we struggle or suffer, does this mean God is distant, that he’s not in control? In this message, we see how Jesus strengthens and protects his people through persecution with the hope of resurrection. Outline Persecution and Plots Protected by God

Doing God’s Will | Acts 21:1-26 |
As we live for Jesus, it’s not always clear what God’s will is. In this message from Acts 21, we see the Apostle Paul’s approach to two difficult decisions—and how he lives boldly for Christ through them. Outline Knowing God’s Will (vv1-16) Doing God’s Will (vv17-27)

Shepherding God’s Flock | Acts 19:11-20:38 |
What should Christian leadership (elders) look like? In this message, we hear Paul’s final words of instruction and encouragement to some church elders. Outline A model of Christian ministry (20:17-27) What elders must do (20:28-35)

Making the Gospel Clear | Acts 18:1-19:10 |
Do you know the good news of Jesus clearly? As God’s kingdom continues to grow in Corinth and Ephesus, we’re reminded of the importance of gospel partnership, persevering through opposition, and being clear on the gospel. Outline Gospel Partnership in Corinth and Ephesus (18:1-23) Gospel Clarity in Ephesus (18:24-19:10) Partnership, Perseverance, Clarity

Unhindered by ‘Wisdom’ | Acts 17 |
Why is Jesus good news for you and for the world? As we hear the gospel proclaimed in a synagogue in Thessalonica and the Aeropagus in Athens, we hear how good Jesus is. Outline Jesus is the Messiah (vv1-15) Jesus is the Judge of the World (vv16-34) The God who Saves

Unhindered Salvation | Acts 16:11-40 |
One of the most important questions to ask is ‘what must I do to be saved’. In this message from Acts 16, we see the difference discovering the answer to this question makes. Outline Lydia’s household saved (vv11-15) An enslaved girl saved (vv16-24) A jailer’s household saved (vv25-40)

Unhindered by Conflict | Acts 15:46-16:10 |
What difference does Jesus make when there is disagreement and conflict? As we return to Acts, the record of what Jesus continued to do through the earliest believers, we see how conflict doesn’t stop Christ’s mission but is an opportunity to glorify God. Outline A Sharp Dispute! (15:36-41) Cutting Compromise? (16:1-5) (Note: the first minute wasn’t recorded during the service and has been re-recorded afterwards.)