The King in His Temple
| Luke 11:1-25 |
What does Jesus’ think about corrupt, exclusive, religion? In this message, we see how Jesus responds to religion that’s all show and without fruit. Outline The king arrives (vv1-11) A tree without fruit (vv12-21) Prayer at the end of the world (vv22-25)
What does Jesus’ think about corrupt, exclusive, religion? In this message, we see how Jesus responds to religion that’s all show and without fruit. Outline The king arrives (vv1-11) A tree without fruit (vv12-21) Prayer at the end of the world (vv22-25)
The Greatest
| Mark 10:32-52 |
What would you give to be the greatest? As we continue our journey with Jesus to Jerusalem, we hear his radical call to true greatness as he himself prepares to serve by giving his life. (This sermon was pre-recorded.)
What would you give to be the greatest? As we continue our journey with Jesus to Jerusalem, we hear his radical call to true greatness as he himself prepares to serve by giving his life. (This sermon was pre-recorded.)
Receiving the Kingdom
| Mark 10:13-31 |
Who would you expect Jesus to welcome? Who would God want in his kingdom? In this message from Mark’s Gospel we see two events that show us who receives God’s kingdom. Outline Welcoming in (vv13-16) Walking away (vv17-22) All things are possible (vv23-31) Disciples of the Kingdom
Who would you expect Jesus to welcome? Who would God want in his kingdom? In this message from Mark’s Gospel we see two events that show us who receives God’s kingdom. Outline Welcoming in (vv13-16) Walking away (vv17-22) All things are possible (vv23-31) Disciples of the Kingdom
Marriage Test
| Mark 10:1-12 |
“Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” What does Jesus think about marriage? In this message, we hear how Jesus answers a trick question about marriage and divorce. Outline It’s a trap! (vv1-2) The vision and a concession (vv3-9) The heart of the matter (vv10-12) There’s, unfortunately, some distortion in this recording
“Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” What does Jesus think about marriage? In this message, we hear how Jesus answers a trick question about marriage and divorce. Outline It’s a trap! (vv1-2) The vision and a concession (vv3-9) The heart of the matter (vv10-12) There’s, unfortunately, some distortion in this recording
John 5:16-30
| John 5:16-30 |
Sermon on John 5:16-30 by guest preacher Leo Woodward. There’s, unfortunately, some distortion in this recording
Sermon on John 5:16-30 by guest preacher Leo Woodward. There’s, unfortunately, some distortion in this recording
How to live a ’things above’ life
| Colossians 3:12-17 |
Sermon on Colossians 3:12-17 by guest preacher Leo Woodward. There’s, unfortunately, some distortion in this recording
Sermon on Colossians 3:12-17 by guest preacher Leo Woodward. There’s, unfortunately, some distortion in this recording
Servants of Peace
| Mark 9:33-50 |
The source of many of our conflicts is wanting to be ‘first’, to win, to be ‘great’. In this message, we hear Jesus’ teaching about true greatness and how to be at peace. Outline Who’s greater? (vv33-37) Whose side? (vv38-41) Don’t stumble (vv42-49) Be at peace (v50) Reflection questions What relationships, or what are the contexts where you want to be first rather than last? How could you be a servant of all in that relationship this week? Who do you find hard to welcome? Who do you welcome, because they can benefit you? Who do you need to welcome that you’ve excluded? What do you need to cut off so you won’t stumble? Do you have any relationships that have lost their salt? How could you bring peace? (Apologies for the recording quality - there’s a fair bit of distortion.) Read more
The source of many of our conflicts is wanting to be ‘first’, to win, to be ‘great’. In this message, we hear Jesus’ teaching about true greatness and how to be at peace. Outline Who’s greater? (vv33-37) Whose side? (vv38-41) Don’t stumble (vv42-49) Be at peace (v50) Reflection questions What relationships, or what are the contexts where you want to be first rather than last? How could you be a servant of all in that relationship this week? Who do you find hard to welcome? Who do you welcome, because they can benefit you? Who do you need to welcome that you’ve excluded? What do you need to cut off so you won’t stumble? Do you have any relationships that have lost their salt? How could you bring peace? (Apologies for the recording quality - there’s a fair bit of distortion.) Read more
Help My Unbelief
| Mark 9:14-32 |
Where do you go with questions, fears, or doubts? As we continue journeying with Jesus, in this message we see Jesus mercifully welcomes people who desperately come to him with questions and struggles. Outline Descending to earth (vv14-18) If you are able (vv19-24) Rising again (vv25-32) Help our unbelief
Where do you go with questions, fears, or doubts? As we continue journeying with Jesus, in this message we see Jesus mercifully welcomes people who desperately come to him with questions and struggles. Outline Descending to earth (vv14-18) If you are able (vv19-24) Rising again (vv25-32) Help our unbelief
You Are the Messiah
| Mark 8:22-9:13 |
Who do you say Jesus is? This is the question. As we return to Mark’s gospel, this is the question Jesus asks his followers. But the answer he gives is surprising. Outline Almost seeing (8:22-33) Follow Me (8:34-9:1) Sight! (9:2-13) Follow Him
Who do you say Jesus is? This is the question. As we return to Mark’s gospel, this is the question Jesus asks his followers. But the answer he gives is surprising. Outline Almost seeing (8:22-33) Follow Me (8:34-9:1) Sight! (9:2-13) Follow Him
Stand Firm
| 1 Peter 5 |
Many of us find it a challenge to stand firm to our principles and things we value - especially when they’re challenged. In this final talk in our series ‘Hope Away from Home’ be encouraged by what God’s done for his people so we can stand firm in the truth. Outline Elders and Youngers (vv1-5) Humble prayers (vv5-7) Stand firm (vv8-14)
Many of us find it a challenge to stand firm to our principles and things we value - especially when they’re challenged. In this final talk in our series ‘Hope Away from Home’ be encouraged by what God’s done for his people so we can stand firm in the truth. Outline Elders and Youngers (vv1-5) Humble prayers (vv5-7) Stand firm (vv8-14)