
If God is For Us | Romans 8:31-39 |
A message from Romans 8 by guest preacher, Phil Stolk, Minister of Noosa Presbyterian Church Outline Intro: The voices of the martyr’s If God is for us… Who can be against us? (v.31-32) Who can condemn us? (v.33-34) Who can separate us from the love of God? (v.35-39) More than conquerors

Blessed | Galatians 3:1-14 |
What does it mean to be blessed? How do we receive God’s blessing? In this message from Galatians 3 we hear the good news that God graciously pours out his promised blessing of the Spirit and righteousness through faith, not works. Outline Fooled! (v1) The blessing of the Spirit (vv2-5) Blessed with Abraham (vv6-9) Redeemed from the Curse (vv10-14) Being blessed by God

Faith Without Deeds is Dead | James 2:14-26 |
A sermon on James 2:14-26 by guest preacher, Leo Woodward

Why Did Jesus Rise? | Isaiah 52:13-14; 53:10-12 |
Why did Jesus rise to life again? What does it reveal about him, and what difference does it make? Outline From suffering to glory For his offspring For justification For victory

Saved by God | Romans 5:6-11 |
We have a problem—a broken relationship with God. But because of what God’s done in Jesus, there’s a way you can be reconciled and be certain about the future Outline While we were… Christ died… to justify, reconcile, and save. God alone saves sinners. (There was a problem with the recording during the service. The final ⅓ was re-recorded later.)

Justification | Philippians 3:7-11 |
What is Justification? (Romans 3:23-24) What is Union with Christ? (Ephesians 1:3-14) How are we Justified in Christ? ( 2 Corinthians 5:21 Philippians 3:7-11 Justification, Union, and You

Always by Faith Alone | Romans 4 |
Justification has always been by faith (4:1-15) …but what is faith? And it’s the same for us! (4:23-25) Always and only by faith

The Guilty Justified | Romans 3:21-31 |
The Verdict: Righteous (3:21-23) But how? (3:24-26) Justified Redeemed Propitiated …and God is still just So it’s got nothing to do with us (3:27-31) Trust in Christ!