How? Church
| Hebrews 10:19-25; Romans 12 |
How does ‘church’ bring glory to God? Outline By gathering (Deuteronomy 4:10; Hebrews 12:22-24) to encourage (Hebrews 10:19-25) one another (Romans 12) (A word about elders)
How does ‘church’ bring glory to God? Outline By gathering (Deuteronomy 4:10; Hebrews 12:22-24) to encourage (Hebrews 10:19-25) one another (Romans 12) (A word about elders)
Why? Church
| Matthew 16:13-20; Ephesians 2-4 |
Why has the risen and ascended Lord Jesus made ’the church'? Outline The church Jesus builds (Matthew 16:16-18; 28:18-20) Called to be… (Ephesians 2:11-22; 3:8; 4:1-6) So that… (Ephesians 3:7-12; 4:11-16)
Why has the risen and ascended Lord Jesus made ’the church'? Outline The church Jesus builds (Matthew 16:16-18; 28:18-20) Called to be… (Ephesians 2:11-22; 3:8; 4:1-6) So that… (Ephesians 3:7-12; 4:11-16)
Coming, Ready or Not!
| Matthew 25:1-13 |
Outline The critical hour The critical failure The critical question
Outline The critical hour The critical failure The critical question
The Right Side of History
| Psalm 2 |
When there is opposition or persectuion, followers of Jesus may think they’re on the ‘wrong side of history’. But Psalm 2 explains why believers in Jesus can have bold confidence especially when ’the nations rage’. Outline Listen to the Song (Psalm 2) Why do the Nations (Still) Rage? Acts 13:26-33 Acts 4:23-31 Will you ‘kiss the Son’? (Note: the first few seconds have been re-recorded due to technical problems.)
When there is opposition or persectuion, followers of Jesus may think they’re on the ‘wrong side of history’. But Psalm 2 explains why believers in Jesus can have bold confidence especially when ’the nations rage’. Outline Listen to the Song (Psalm 2) Why do the Nations (Still) Rage? Acts 13:26-33 Acts 4:23-31 Will you ‘kiss the Son’? (Note: the first few seconds have been re-recorded due to technical problems.)
How to be blessed like Mary this Christmas
| Luke 1:39-45 |
Christmas 2025 message. Outline Why do we need God’s blessing? Why is Mary blessed? How you can be blessed too.
Christmas 2025 message. Outline Why do we need God’s blessing? Why is Mary blessed? How you can be blessed too.
How to listen like (another) Mary this Christmas
| Luke 10:38-42 |
A message from our carols service. Outline Martha’s complaint Mary’s better choice
A message from our carols service. Outline Martha’s complaint Mary’s better choice
Joyful Partners
| Philippians 4:10-23 |
In this message from Philippians 4 we hear of the joy of generous, costly, partnership in the gospel. Outline In Christ we learn contentment (vv10-13) In Christ we learn generous partnership (vv14-16) In Christ we benefit from partnership (vv17-20) In Christ our ‘circles’ grow (vv21-23)
In this message from Philippians 4 we hear of the joy of generous, costly, partnership in the gospel. Outline In Christ we learn contentment (vv10-13) In Christ we learn generous partnership (vv14-16) In Christ we benefit from partnership (vv17-20) In Christ our ‘circles’ grow (vv21-23)
Gospel Peace
| Philippians 4:2-9 |
How should we deal when we conflict or tension with others? In this message from Philippians, we hear how the gospel gives us the resources we need to deal with conflict and know God’s peace. Outline Be united (vv2-3) Guard your heart and mind (vv4-9)
How should we deal when we conflict or tension with others? In this message from Philippians, we hear how the gospel gives us the resources we need to deal with conflict and know God’s peace. Outline Be united (vv2-3) Guard your heart and mind (vv4-9)
Gospel Goal
| Philippians 3:12-4:1 |
What’s your goal or purpose for life? In this message, we hear Paul’s encouragement to follow his example and press on to the goal of knowing Christ. Outline Press on to the goal (3:12-16) Follow the right examples (3:17-21) Press on and Stand Firm (4:1)
What’s your goal or purpose for life? In this message, we hear Paul’s encouragement to follow his example and press on to the goal of knowing Christ. Outline Press on to the goal (3:12-16) Follow the right examples (3:17-21) Press on and Stand Firm (4:1)
Right Confidence
| Philippians 3:1-11 |
Can you be confident before God? In this message, we hear the great news that, through faith in Christ, we can be 100% confident in our standing before God. Outline Another example (vv1-3) Confidence in ‘the flesh’ (vv4-6) Confidence in Christ (vv7-11)
Can you be confident before God? In this message, we hear the great news that, through faith in Christ, we can be 100% confident in our standing before God. Outline Another example (vv1-3) Confidence in ‘the flesh’ (vv4-6) Confidence in Christ (vv7-11)