What Shall I Return to the LORD?

Psalm 116

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The first Christian sermon in Australia was preached on February 3, 1788. The preacher was Richard Johnson, chaplain to the prison colony in New South Wales , and he chose to preach on Psalm 116:12.

On Australia Day 2020, we opened the same Psalm and asked how we can respond to God’s kindness even in the midst of suffering.


  1. Crying out to the LORD (vv1-4)
  2. …who hears and saves (vv5-11)
  3. So sacrifice to and praise him (vv12-19)
  4. A sacrifice of praise (Hebrews 13:15-16)

Preacher: Daniel Saunders

Series: Miscellaneous

Topics: #Sacrifice , #Suffering

Date: January 26, 2020