
A Model Church (Part 2) | Acts 4:32-5:11 |
Are you faking it? In this message, we see an encouraging example of generosity and a severe warning to those who fake godliness. Outline God’s true people (4:32-37) Pretend Piety (5:1-11) Due to disruptions caused by flooding, this message was pre-recorded. You can watch the video recording on YouTube

A Model Church? | Acts 2:42-47 |
What should be at the centre of a Christian community? In this message we go back to the original, earliest followers of Jesus, looking at their life together, and how it should shape us. Outline Devoted to… (v42) Awe (v43) Love (vv44-46) Gladness (v46) Gospel Growth (v47)

Not Far From the Kingdom | Mark 12:28-44 |
What’s most important to God? What’s valued in Jesus’ kingdom? In this message, we hear Jesus’ answer about the most important commandment, and see the devastating impact of ignoring what Jesus says. Outline The most important commandment (vv28-34) David’s Son (vv35-37, Psalm 110) Devouring Widows (vv39-44) Loving God and Neighbour

The Good Life (in Bad Days) | 1 Peter 3:8-22 |
What do you think the ‘good life’ is, and where do you find it? In 1 Peter 3, God says the good life is found in Jesus, and this is something even suffering and persecution can’t take away. This passage also has some hard to understand bits in it - so have a listen to understand how something about ‘imprisoned spirits’ gives confidence and hope even in bad days. Outline How to see the good life (vv8-12) Even in bad days (vv13-17) Because of the Victory of Christ (vv18-22)

Transforming Hope | 1 Peter 1:13-2:3 |
How does Jesus transform lives? In this message from 1 Peter, we hear how our holy God changes his people to love like him. Outline Transforming hope (1:13-16) Two truths for transformation (1:17-21) Transformed to love (1:22-25) Transformed taste (2:1-3)

Unbearable Justice | Micah 1 |
How does God’s justice make you feel? In this message, we hear God’s strong justice and the surprising way God feels about it. Outline Micah of Moresheth (v1) God comes down (vv2-4) … against Samaria (vv5-7) …and Jerusalem (vv9-16) Justice through tears (v8)

Where does war come from? | James 4:1-10 |
This Anzac Day we considered where war comes from and what is God’s answer for peace. Outline War among ‘you’ (vv1-3) War with God! (vv4-6) God’s way for peace (vv7-10)

Marriage and Christ | Ephesians 5:21-33 |
The new life Jesus gives is reflected in all our relationships. In this message, we hear the difference Jesus makes to marriage, and how marriage is a picture of the gospel. Outline Wives (vv22-24) Husbands (vv25-31) Christ and the Church (vv32-33)

Forgiveness | Ephesians 4:32-5:2 |
What difference would kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and love make to your family, your workplace, your church? In this message, we hear how believers, as God’s children, are to imitate his kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and love. Outline Kind (4:32) (See also Luke 6:35; Matthew 5:45) Compassionate (4:32) (See also Mark 6:34; James 1:19) Forgiving (4:32) (See also Acts 2:38; Hebrews 9:22; Matthew 18:15-35) Loving (5:1-2) (See also 1 Peter 4:8) Imitators of Christ Read more

Known by God | Psalm 139 |
Psalm 139 is a precious Psalm for lots of people because it shows how the big truth about God knowing everything, being everywhere, and being able to do anything, is deeply personal for us. Outline God knows everything (vv1-6) God is everywhere (vv7-12) The creator can do everything (vv13-18) Being known changes us (vv19-24) Sermon resources: During the sermon, we watched the first minute of this debate between Christopher and Peter Hitchens . The audio from the video isn’t included in the podcast recording but can be watched on YouTube . (N.B. there is explicit language after the first minute.) Read more