The LORD is God

1 Kings 17-20

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When it feels like things are on the decline we can easily fall into despair. In 1 Kings we see this with the prophet Elijah, even after God shows his power. In this message, we’re encouraged from 1 Kings to remember that the LORD is God.


  1. The LORD lives—in Israel and beyond (chp 17)
  2. The LORD is God—but his prophet despairs (chps 18-19)
  3. Knowing the LORD—but the king sulks (chp 20)

In this message, the podcast The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God is recommended. You can listen to it here.

Preacher: Daniel Saunders

Series: 1 Kings

Topics: #Idolatry , #Victory

Date: May 19, 2024