
Romans 6-16: Knowing and Living in God’s Mercy
God’s salvation in Jesus is amazing. In the opening chapters of Romans, we read ‘all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace’. This message is good news—free salvation, undeserved forgiveness, gracious righteousness. But what difference does it make? In term 4 2017, at both Church and Bible studies, we’re continuing our series in Romans, seeing what it means to know and to live in God’s mercy. Read more

Listen to ‘Jesus’ Crucifixion: One Among Many?’
In partnership with Gympie Baptist , we recently hosted a team of students from Queensland Theological College for a week of mission and ministry training. As part of the week one of the QTC lecturers, Dr Wes Regen, spoke on the nature and purpose of crucifixion in the Roman Empire. During the lecture, he explained why, out of the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people crucified under Rome, is Jesus’ crucifixion considered significant by Christians 2000 years later. Read more

Gympie Times article about our upcoming event
Big thanks to the Gympie Times for this article about our upcoming event, ‘ Jesus’ Crucifixion: One Among Many? ’. It’s looking to be a stimulating and enjoyable night. If you’re thinking of coming along, you can RSVP via Facebook .

Jesus’ Crucifixion: One Among Many (Free Public Lecture)
During the time of the Ancient Roman Empire, ten’s, if not hundred’s of thousands of people were executed by crucifixion. It was a painfully cruel method of execution reserved for the lowest of the low—slaves, pirates, and enemies of the state. However, out of all those crucified by Rome, there is one whose name is remembered and whose death is celebrated around the world—Jesus of Nazareth. What makes Jesus’ crucifixion different? Read more

God, Who Is Rich In Mercy - Bible Studies Term 3 2017
This term our Bible Study groups are looking at the Old Testament book of Judges. You can grab printed copies of the study books from church or download a low-resolution version here . You can find our more about our Bible Study groups here .

Judges: Crying out for a Saviour
What do you do when things go from bad to worse? Where do you turn when you see a spotlight shone on the ugliness and evil in the world? This term at Gympie Presbyterian we’re hearing from the Old Testament book of Judges. It a book of graphic and sometimes barbaric events which show our desperate need, the reason we cry out for a Saviour. Join us, 9:30 am Sundays as we hear from this brutally honest part of God’s Word, and look to our only hope, the Saviour Jesus. Read more

Sing to Him - June 4 2017
Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. (Colossians 3:16) Join us for an afternoon of sharing in song and fellowship. June 4, 2 pm at 11 Crown Road, Gympie . Please bring a plate to share.

Hold Firm - 2 Thessalonians
For the final few weeks of term 2, we’ll be having a short sermon series in 2 Thessalonians. 2 Thessalonians is a very short New Testament letter—only three chapters. It’s written to believers who are being persecuted and are anxious about the future. It’s written to encourage them (and us!) to hold firm to Jesus through these times. It starts 9:30 am, June 4, at Gympie Presbyterian Church .

United with Christ
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3) How does something that happened to Jesus 2000 years ago impact us? This term at Gympie Presbyterian we’re going to dive deep into how Jesus death and resurrection benefits us and means we can enjoy a relationship of love and fellowship with the God who made us. Read more

Easter Services 2017
This term we’ve been following Jesus on his way to the cross as recorded in Luke’s biography of Jesus. In this final week the King came to his capital, the Son of God came to his temple, but he faced rejection and betrayal. Join us this Easter weekend as we reflect on the dramatic conclusion to this week and the astounding new beginning of the next. 8:30am Good Friday, 9:30am Easter Sunday, 11 Crown Road, Gympie . Read more